Chapter 361 Sister is the Queen (11)

"What do you know? I'm disgusting others and pleasing myself."

Sang Jian looked at Nangongye with an extraordinarily tender feeling.

Yiyuan: "It's really disgusting."

Relying on the fact that he is in her territory, she will act recklessly!
Sang Jian ignored Yiyuan, seeing Nangongye's expression of being at her mercy, she curled her lips slightly, and called out, "Mu Ye?"

Nangongye: "."

He reacted for a few seconds before raising his head and looking at Sang Jian. He didn't respond, but his eyes were a little confused, as if he was asking her what's the matter.

Sang Jian nodded in satisfaction, "It seems that you really like this name, I am very pleased."

Nangongye: "."

Ghosts like it!

All kinds of complaints were suppressed by his reason.

He could only smirk and acquiesce to Sang Jian's words.

"Good boy." Nangongye's resignation made Sang Jian couldn't help but raised his hand and touched his head, "From now on, as long as you follow me, I guarantee you will walk sideways in the palace!"

After saying this, she let go of Nangongye, turned and left the room.

Looking at her leaving back, Nangongye lay on the bed and breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that men and women are the same, before they get something, they will be obsessed with that thing.

For example, Sang Jian never got him, so when he showed his affection, she pampered herself again.

This is good and bad for him.

Because it means that before he achieves his goal, he has to keep currying favor with this woman.

Nan Gongye thought about how to reduce contact with Sang Jian during this period of time, and at the same time make her trust him.

Before he could come up with a good solution, Sang Jian sent someone to pick him up from the limbo.

The four virtuous and virtuous gentlemen live in the four courtyards of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum. Before Nan Gongye entered the cold palace, he lived in the bamboo courtyard.

It was relatively secluded there. Seeing that he was sick at the time, Mu Sang specially chose such a place for him to recuperate.

This time he was taken out of the cold palace, so he naturally returned to the bamboo courtyard.

As soon as I went back, the old doctor was already waiting.

She re-examined Nangongye's body, and after confirming that he really would not die, she prescribed some tonics for him, and at the same time asked her own people to inform Sangjian of Nangongye's physical condition.

Nan Gongye was still thinking about how to reduce contact with Sang Jian, but he was out of favor and she didn't come to pick him up.The old doctor saw him, but she didn't come to watch over him.

This made him feel a little strange, her temperament was not like this before.

Before the old doctor left, he couldn't help but ask, "Why didn't Your Majesty come here?"

The old doctor's tone was light, "Your Majesty has just returned to the palace, so there are naturally many things to deal with, and it is impossible to be by Xianjun's side all the time."

"My minister retire."

The old doctor was unwilling to tell Nangong Yeduo that she was going back to clean up the house.

Who the hell came to see Xianjun some time ago, saying that his time is numbered?

No matter how she looked, she looked like she was suffering from a common cold.

I can't understand this kind of minor illness, I'm afraid I took someone's money and deliberately cheated?

Listening to the old doctor's words, Nan Gongye felt that she was farting.

Before going to war, didn't Mu Sangjian have nothing to do for a while, watching him every day?

Now pretending that she is a good queen who loves the country and the people, who is she showing it to?

Nan Gongye didn't quite believe that Sang Jian would be busy, maybe she would come to him in two days.

Thinking of this, he waited patiently for the day when Sang Jian came to find him.

But this time he miscalculated.

Sang Jian didn't come to him for two whole months!
Until one day two months later, he was basking in the sun in the yard, when he suddenly heard passing palace people talking about something outside.

(End of this chapter)

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