Chapter 362 Sister is the Queen (12)

"Shujun really deserves this title. She is so virtuous and enviable. Your Majesty has been very busy in the past two months, and it has been Shujun who has been serving His Majesty."

"I heard that I personally cook delicious food for Your Majesty every day. I think His Majesty has been fed by him for the past two months, and he has become a little rounder."

"You're still called Shujun? It's time to be called Huangguijun!"

"Bah, bah, bah! It's the old slave who said something wrong, it's the emperor."

"That's what the emperor deserves. He has been the only one to serve His Majesty for the past two months. His Majesty will naturally reward him for being so gentle and considerate."

"Meiyuan is so happy to have such a master."

The so-called one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven, this is the truth.

But this is not something that these little servants dare to say.

The sound faded away.

Sitting in the yard drinking tea and basking in the sun, Nangongye drank the tea in his hand blankly.

With a snap, he forcefully placed the teacup on the stone table.

A good teacup shattered in an instant.

The fragment stuck into his hand, and blood seeped out, Nangongye seemed to feel no pain.

A man who was waiting on the side quickly stepped forward and said, "Master, don't hurt yourself, and don't use violence! If you really want His Majesty to like you, you have to pretend to be weak! How can a man crush a teacup? "

He took out a handkerchief from his body, and carefully helped Nangongye deal with the fragments stuck in his palm.

Hearing his words, Nan Gongye's eyes fell on him, and he narrowed his eyes slightly, "Wan Wu, I remember that you are also from the southern country, right? You have been assimilated after coming to Mu country for more than half a year?"

Wan Wu has always been from Nangongye.

When Nan Gongye was picked up by Mu Sangjian, Wan Wu deliberately entered the palace as a servant in order to help him.

During the time when Nangongye was thrown into limbo, the guards were too strict, so he couldn't go with Nangongye.

Ever since he came out of Leng Gongli, Nan Gongye felt that Wan Wu had been assimilated by Mu Guo's education.

He is a man from the southern country, why can't he crush the teacup?
He's not Mu Guo's group of embroidered pillows!

In order to please a woman's love, you still cook and serve every day?

Oh, ridiculous!

But why did he get more and more angry? !
He still remembered what she told him the day she came back, if he followed her, he could walk sideways in the palace in the future!
She didn't even look at herself, how could he follow her?
She lived a chic life, with someone taking care of her every day.

It seems that the service is satisfactory, otherwise how could you promote Shujun to Huangguijun?
Wan Wu sighed, and persuaded: "Master, if you come, you will be safe, and we can't go back to the southern country, why don't you stay in Mu country well?"

"What's more, the empress is very kind to you. If you take the initiative, with your beauty, master, you will definitely be able to win the harem in Mu Guoyan!"

"I think you want to die!"

Nan Gongye slapped the stone table, his face as black as the bottom of a pot.

humiliate him?

He is different from this group of men, he doesn't bother to compete for favor!
Because of Nangongye's palm, the stone table was instantly broken into two halves.

"Damn this subordinate!" Wan Wu quickly knelt down.


Nan Gongye glared at Wan Wu, stood up and flicked his long sleeves, turned and left.

I'm pissed I'm pissed!

He left the bamboo courtyard directly, ready to go for a walk to calm down his mood.

As a result, as soon as he went out, rumors about Shujun being named Huangguijun were everywhere.

That Shujun Nan Gongye remembered that he had seen him, and he seemed to be the son of Prime Minister Mu.

His name is Pei Dongqing, he looks weak and weak, he can hit ten with one punch!
(End of this chapter)

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