Chapter 380 Sister is the Queen (30)

The next morning, when Nangongye woke up, Sang Jian was no longer by his side.

She was going to court early, he knew it.

Thinking of what happened last night, he blushed and rested on the bed for a while.

Until Ling Yue yelled angrily from the yard, "What a wild man! Get out of this palace! Hmph, I'm going to take every precaution against Pei Dongqing, but I didn't expect you to take advantage of it in the end! Young Master, come out and die!"

Everyone in the harem knew about the empress's stay in the bamboo courtyard last night.

Ling Yue couldn't bear it early in the morning and came to find fault.

Just as Ling Yue finished cursing, another person came outside the yard.

Ling Yue frowned, "Pei Dongqing, what are you doing here?"

Pei Dongqing's expression was calm, "Come and have a look."

Although he appeared beside the empress every day for the past two months, the empress never pampered him. Now that Ye Xianjun has become No.1, no matter how calm his face is, he is anxious at heart.

"You two are like dogs! You are both villains! You are so mad!" Ling Yue has always been like this, and he never hesitates to scold anyone.

Pei Dongqing was used to it.

He looked at Nangongye's tightly closed door, and said quietly: "I haven't woken up yet, it seems that Ye Xianjun worked hard last night."

Ling Yue: "."

He also thought of this possibility.

"This vixen!" He couldn't help but want to rush in and arrest Nangongye and beat him up.

With that in mind, he did the same.

As soon as he reached the door of the room, Nangongye opened the door.

He leaned against the door frame with sleepy eyes, yawned, and said softly: "Qingguijun and Liangjun, why are you free to come to me early in the morning?"

I don't know if Nangongye did it on purpose, but his clothes were not worn properly, and half of his chest was exposed in loose clothes.

The bite marks from the neck to the collarbone are fully exposed.

At first, I thought he might not have done it on purpose, but the next second he pulled his collar a little "uncomfortably".

In an instant, more places were exposed.

Pei Dongqing: "."

Ling Yue: "."

Wan Wu in the corner of the yard: "."

You are still the most coquettish.

"Inadvertently" revealed the situation of last night.

Why don't you just take off your clothes!


Ling Yue's eyes were red.

He had coveted Sang Jian's sister since he was a child, but he wasn't the one who favored him first!
Ling Yue was the closest to Nangongye, seeing this scene, couldn't help it anymore, raised his hand and was about to hit Nangongye.

Nangongye, who was sleepy just now, now narrowed his eyes slightly, and blocked Ling Yue's attacking hand with his backhand.

He said unhurriedly: "Didn't the good lord say yesterday that we should spare no effort to seduce Your Majesty? As long as we can keep her, you will be rewarded. Why don't you remember today?"

Ling Yue: "."

He did say that yesterday, but
"That's on the premise that His Majesty wants to accept those southern men into the harem!"

"Your Majesty has no idea about those men at all, so what I said yesterday is of course not counted!"

He withdrew his hand forcefully.

Nangongye's eyes flickered slightly, she had no idea about those men?
So where were they sent?
Before he could think about it, Ling Yue slapped him again, "You wild man of unknown origin, you turned a blind eye to His Majesty before and refused all kinds of things, but now you climbed onto His Majesty's bed, what do you have? Purpose!"

"What are you arguing about?"

As soon as Ling Yue finished speaking, Sang Jian's voice sounded from outside the courtyard again.

She came in from outside the yard with a few servants.

Hearing Sang Jian's voice, Nan Gongye, who was about to avoid Ling Yue's slap, suddenly stopped moving.

Ling Yue's eyes widened, and it was too late to withdraw his hand.

A crisp slap landed on Nangongye's face.

(End of this chapter)

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