Chapter 381 Sister is the Queen (31)

Ling Yue looked at his hand in disbelief, and said angrily, "Why don't you hide!"

He avoided the first slap, but couldn't he avoid the second slap?
Sang Jian didn't expect to see such an exciting scene just after returning from court.

Why does this routine seem familiar to her?
Before she could think about it.

Nangongye at the door suddenly ran towards Sangjian with red eyes. During the run, he did not forget to pull up his exposed clothes.

Can't let the queen feel that he doesn't keep male virtues!

Sang Jian was embraced by Nan Gongye, "Your Majesty, you are back."

His voice was choked with sobs, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Ling Yue: "."

Pei Dongqing who witnessed everything in the corner: "."

How can he feel wronged?
Didn't you just pick up your clothes and provoke them?

Why did the empress change her face as soon as she came back?

Wan Wu, who didn't dare to vent his breath in the corner: "."

Damn, it's time for success!
His master is promising!
This is if you don't make a move, it's amazing when you make a move!
Perfectly integrated into the status of the servant of the Nvzun Kingdom, they will all compete for favor!

It turns out that bed affairs can really enhance the relationship between two people!

Nan Gongye hugged Sang Jian's waist at this time, leaned his head on her shoulder, and said in a low voice: "I don't blame Yue Liang Jun, he just didn't get His Majesty's favor, so he was a little angry."

Sang Jian: "?"

She was held by Nan Gongye and did not dare to move. Hearing this, she glanced at Ling Yue.

Ling Yue's face had already turned into a pig's liver color from anger, "Why are you pretending to be pitiful? It really disgusts me!"

While scolding Nangongye, he hurriedly ran towards Sangjian, "Your Majesty, he pretended."

"Ah! Ah~"

The moment Ling Yue ran over, Nangongye let out a startled sound, he let go of Sang Jian, and hid behind Sang Jian in fear, only showing his head.

With a trembling tone, "Your Majesty, will Mr. Yueliang beat me again? I'm a little scared~"

"Hiss—" Sang Jian couldn't help but gasped.

Thanks, I was disgusted.

Ling Yue stopped, his face full of madness, "Mu Ye! Don't go too far! I didn't intend to hit you at all!"

Although he was very reluctant to call him this name, after all, it was a surname bestowed by His Majesty, but Ling Yue couldn't help it.

Nan Gongye hid behind Sang Jian, his face full of aggrieved, "Yes, Mr. Yueliang just asked me to get out and die as soon as he came. He definitely didn't want to do it himself."


Ling Yue was furious, Nan Gongye hid behind Sang Jian, relying on Sang Jian not being able to see his face, he raised his eyebrows at Ling Yue provocatively.

Nan Gongye really didn't expect that this kind of thing used to happen in his father's empress palace in the southern country.

Those women will do everything they can to compete for favor.

I didn't expect it to work on men too, it seems to make Ling Yue angry.

The only thing that is different is, why doesn't the queen coax him?Then severely punish Ling Yue?
He remembered that after the women in his father's palace used this method, the woman who was beaten would usually be coaxed by his father for a long time.

Thinking of this, Nangongye stretched out his hand and tugged on Sangjian's sleeve, showing his grievance.

"Okay, okay, it's almost done." Sang Jian had to come out to be the peacemaker.

Ling Yue's eyes were red from anger, and tears fell down uncontrollably.

After all, he is still a child of fifteen or sixteen years old, how can he play with Nan Gongye, an old man who has experienced the world?
"See my sister Sang."

While weeping, Ling Yue couldn't help taking a step closer to Sang Jian.

But he was afraid that Nangongye would continue to slander him, so he didn't dare to get too close.

He already called them by the names when they were two children. She has to believe in herself!

Sang Jian hadn't responded yet, Nan Gongye behind him couldn't help snorting coldly.

A brat with no hair yet, but he is quite good at making friends!
  Reason: a small tea ceremony every day, traditional techniques can not be lost.

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(End of this chapter)

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