Chapter 382 Sister is the Queen (32)

Sang Jian finally looked back at Nangongye.

Sensing her gaze, Nangongye immediately lowered his eyes and bit his lower lip.

"Tsk." Sang Jian looked disgusted.

How could this be?
What about the machismo in him?

As if feeling that Sang Jian disliked him, Nan Gongye raised his hand to cover the half of his face that was beaten just now, and said in a low voice, "My face hurts so much."

The original intention was to sell miserably and not let her talk to Ling Yue.

But I don't want Sang Jian to nod seriously, "Your face should really hurt."

There was a slap in the face.

Nan Gongye was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Sang Jian was talking about his current attitude completely different from his previous attitude.

He was speechless.

Sang Jian no longer paid attention to Nangongye, who was selling miserably, looked at Ling Yue who was crying because of him, sighed softly, and taught: "Brother Yue, you really should restrain your temper."

The frizz is outrageous!

Ling Yue was a little anxious, "But I'm just annoyed that you can spoil him first! Can't His Majesty, my advanced palace, be able to enjoy the rain and dew evenly?"

Sang Jian looked complicated, looked at the youthful Ling Yue, frowned and said, "Even if it's raining and dew, it won't be your turn for the time being, brother Yue. You are too young now, I can't do anything."

"Pfft..." Nangongye behind him couldn't help laughing.

He's definitely not gloating.

That's how it should be.

Ling Yue knew how to compete for favor at a young age, but will he still have it when he grows up?
Seeing these words, Sang felt extremely heartbroken.

Coupled with the fact that Nangongye was gloating behind, Ling Yue cried even louder.

"Woooo... Sang sees that my sister doesn't like me anymore! I want to go back to my mother's house!"

Ling Yue, who was always domineering, was crying like a child.

He pushed away Sang Jian and Nan Gongye who were blocking the gate of the yard, and ran away.

When has he suffered such grievances?
The queen treated herself like this for a wild man of unknown origin!
Ling Yue felt that he had paid by mistake after all.

Sang Jian looked at his leaving back and shook his head helplessly, "Hey, why is Xianjun so fussy with a child?"

She turned her head to look at Nangongye, expressing her incomprehension.

Nangongye: "..."

He couldn't understand either.

Why did the emperor coax that woman after the woman in his father's palace used this trick.

And Sang Jian doesn't know how to coax himself?
Which step did you not do right?

He pursed his lips, and said in a low voice: "You have become His Majesty's good king, only Your Majesty will treat him as a child."

Sang Jian: "..."


But the original owner can do it to Ling Yue, but she can't do it.

Sang Jian glanced at Nangongye again, seeing a small patch of red on his fair cheek, she raised her hand to gently caress that half of his face.

The tone softened a lot, "Does it hurt?"

Nangongye's eyes lit up, she finally cared about herself!

He put his hand on the back of Sang Jian's, and replied in a low voice: "Yes."

Sang Jian withdrew his hand, expressionless, "You deserve it, let you pack green tea!"

There are so many ways to fight for favor, but he chooses the way to hurt himself. If he is not beaten, who will be beaten?
Nangongye: "???"

Is this the difference between a woman acting like a baby and a man acting like a baby?
What about feeling sorry for yourself? ?

"Yo! Lord Qinggui is here too!"

Just as Sang Jian was about to enter the room to rest for a while, he caught sight of Pei Dongqing who was standing in the corner without saying a word.

As if just saw him.

Pei Dongqing could only pretend to be calm with a smirk.

Why did he actually feel that he was worse than Ling Yue?

When Sang Jian saw him, he didn't go into the house to rest. He bypassed Nangongye and walked towards Pei Dongqing, "I happen to have something to discuss with you."

(End of this chapter)

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