Chapter 383 Sister is the Queen (33)

Pei Dongqing came out from the corner, "I am willing to serve Your Majesty."

"But I haven't said what it is." Sang saw.

Nan Gongye grabbed Sang Jian who was walking towards Pei Dongqing from behind, and interrupted the conversation between the two, "No matter what it is, I am willing to serve Your Majesty."

Why don't you find him if you have something to do!

Is it that he can't help?
He is not trash!

Sang Jian: "."

This kid wants to get involved in everything now?

"Well, it happens that I am also afraid that Qing Guijun will be too busy alone."

Sang Jian beckoned to Pei Dongqing to let him follow her, and at the same time grabbed Nangongye with his backhand and led them outside.

While walking, he said: "You also know that I have brought back so many men from the southern country, and now I need someone to teach them the male virtues of the Mu country, so that they will not be confused about their current identities."

"Mr. Qinggui is known as a model for the men of the Mu Kingdom. I will feel at ease if you teach them."

Pei Dongqing was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect this kind of thing.

But he still obediently responded, "Your Majesty will make arrangements."

Sang Jian nodded.

When Nangongye next to him heard this, his mind became active, so what were those men arrested for?
Before he could think about it, Sang Jian said again: "Since Lord Yexian has volunteered, let's go with Lord Qinggui. After all, 3000 people are not so easy to manage."

Nangongye: "."

Is it too late to regret now?

Nangongye was planning to find some excuse to push this matter away.

Sang Jian stopped suddenly, put his hand on Nangongye's shoulder, and encouraged him: "I believe that Ye Xianjun is willing to do anything for me, it is true."


"Go, go now! The sedan chairs are all ready for you, go teach them for a month and come back."

When Sang saw Xia Chao came back, he wanted to talk to Pei Dongqing about it, but he thought that he favored Nan Gongye last night, so he came to see him first.

Lest you look like a scumbag.

Unexpectedly, Pei Dongqing also ran to the bamboo courtyard, so everything was logical, and they were sent away directly!

Pei Dongqing: "."

Nangongye: "."

Looking at the sedan chair parked by the side of the road, the two looked at each other and fell into silence.

There was only one sedan chair, and it was originally planned to let Pei Dongqing go alone, but if Nan Gongye came across halfway, he had to squeeze.

Sang Jian stood with his hands behind his back, and stood on the side of the road to wink at them, signaling them to go early and come back early.

"Cough!" Nangongye suddenly covered his chest and coughed, "Your Majesty, I'm not feeling well."

"It just so happens that I know some methods of recuperating a man's body. Ye Xianjun will go with me, and I will help you see it when we get there."

Pei Dongqing could tell at a glance that Nangongye was pretending.

He stepped forward and grabbed Nan Gongye's sleeve, dragging him to the sedan chair.

Nangongye must not be left behind, otherwise he will only be favored even more!

"No need for you!"

Nangongye wanted to struggle, but Sang Jian smiled and waved to them, with a face full of relief, "Seeing the two servants are so harmonious and friendly, I feel very happy! Go early and return early, and I will be rewarded when I come back!"

Nan Gongye: "." How can you tell that they are harmonious and friendly?

Pei Dongqing didn't give Nangongye a chance to refuse at all, and dragged him into the sedan chair together.

The biggest threat, you have to see it yourself to feel at ease!

If he doesn't come back this month, Nangongye won't even think about coming back!
  It looks like everyone is about to start school?

  I will make up all the updates that are owed tonight, and try to let you watch more before school starts.

(End of this chapter)

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