Chapter 395 Sister is the Queen (45)

The matter between the two of them can be regarded as a temporary promise.

What will happen later, we will talk about it later.

At least Nangongye felt that after he got used to the life in Mu Country, he was indeed much more comfortable than living in the South Country.

What's more, Empress Mu is really nice to herself.

Nan Gongye stopped thinking about it, held Sang Jian's hand behind his back, turned to face Sang Jian, with a shy expression on his face.

In the next second, as if remembering something, his expression restrained again.

He stared at Sang and said, "Your Majesty is telling the truth?"

"Huh?" Sang Jian raised her eyebrows, why are you asking again?
Before she could answer, Nan Gongye bent down and approached Sang Jian, and said with a blank expression: "But His Majesty is despising me now, and even owes me a kiss. I doubt His Majesty's sincerity."

Sang Jian: "."

He didn't get up after asking, just looked at Sang Jian, as if he insisted on her explaining.

The faces of the two were very close, and Nan Gongye made it clear that if he didn't return this kiss now, this matter would never end!
How could she dislike him just because he vomited bugs?
If he really becomes ugly from now on, wouldn't she despise him even more!

Sang Jian stared at Nangongye's red lips still stained with blood, and swallowed.

His lip was bitten by him when he had a headache before, so there was blood oozing out all the time.

It's pretty sexy.

But Sang Jian didn't really want to taste the smell of blood when kissing, because the expired blood of a zombie surnamed Zuo in the last world left a serious shadow in her heart!

Sang Jian was silent for a moment before saying: "Then wipe your mouth first."

Nangongye narrowed his eyes slightly, then raised his hand and roughly wiped it on his lips with the back of his hand.

In the next second, he cupped Sang Jian's face.

Just as he was about to kiss him, Wan Wu's voice came from outside the door, "General Ling Qinggui, you can't go in!"

He stayed outside the door for a long time, and he could hear the movement inside clearly.

He is very supportive of his master's idea of ​​staying in Mu country after he wakes up.

Hearing Nangong Ye asking for a kiss later, he also felt that his master was promising!
Never expected that Ling Yu and Pei Dongqing would come over at this time!

Moreover, the two men came aggressively, especially Ling Yu, who was already hungry and thirsty with the big knife in his hand, as if they were here to cut people.

Ling Yu pushed Wan Wu who was in the way, and said angrily: "The important place of the military camp is not for Ye Xianjun to come here to find prey and have an affair!"

I was there just now, and heard a report from a subordinate that it seemed that a woman had entered Nangongye's tent and hadn't come out for a long time.

Then Wan Wu came out to guard the gate.

No matter how you think about it, it feels strange!
Especially before Ling Yu felt that Nangongye didn't respect masculinity, dressed so coquettishly and ran to the barracks full of women!
The barracks are full of vigorous women, how can they withstand his temptation?
So Ling Yu and Pei Dongqing came here to catch the rape!
Nan Gongye, who was about to kiss Sangjian in the tent: "."

Holding Sang Jian's face in his hands, he took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty owes me two kisses!"

After speaking, he let go of her, and straightened his clothes with a bad face.

If he doesn't make himself look more human, others will really think that he is purely relying on seducing the superior!
He obviously relied on his looks!
Sang Jian saw that he was a little out of breath, and smiled with his lips hooked.

At the same time, Ling Yu opened the curtain and charged in with a big knife!


Ling Yu was planning to say something cruel, but when he came in, he saw Sang Jian, with a somewhat bewildered expression on his face full of integrity.

Pei Dongqing who was following her was also stunned.

Queen? ? ?

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  I also want to change more, but my strength does not allow it. I stayed up late the day before yesterday and got injured. I slowly
(End of this chapter)

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