Chapter 396 Sister is the Queen (46)

Sang Jian raised his hand and tugged at his sleeve, knowingly asked, "General Ling is holding a big knife, what is this for?"

Ling Yu: "."

She immediately knelt down on one knee, "Forgive me, Your Majesty. I thought Ye Xianjun was impure, but I didn't expect it to be His Majesty."

Ling Yu, like Ling Yue, basically said what he had to say and never felt embarrassed.

Nan Gongye sneered, and in the next second, clutching the clothes on his chest, he threw himself into Sang Jian's arms.

"Your Majesty~ General Ling has a lot of opinions on me. She didn't welcome me when I came here just now. Qing Guijun also saw it."

Pei Dongqing: "." Wasn't it because of the coquettish clothes he wore that he was disgusted?
Nan Gongye said again: "Now she is still slandering my reputation. Doesn't the general know that the most important thing for a man is reputation? The general talks nonsense without even investigating the facts. How can I have the nerve to meet His Majesty in the future? "

He leaned on Sang Jian's shoulder aggrievedly, aiming at Ling Yu who was kneeling on the ground from the corner of his eye.

Hmph, as annoying as her brother!
Ling Yu: "." Sure enough, this Ye Xianjun will only use this method to win His Majesty's favor!

It's really hard for Qing Guijun, such an indifferent person, he has to deal with this kind of person every day.

Only when she knelt on the ground did she see that the furnishings in the tent had become a mess.

How intense is this?
Ling Yu kept a serious face, and after a moment of silence, he said, "I am willing to be punished!"


Sang Jian looked at Nan Gongye who was leaning on his shoulder, pretending to be weak, and was speechless for a moment.

Hearing that Ling Yu was punished voluntarily, she raised her hand and patted Nangongye's back as a sign of comfort.

He said to Ling Yu, "Then fine the general with one month's salary."

"Yes." Ling Yu readily accepted.

Sure enough, although His Majesty is a little too fond of Ye Xianjun, his reason is still there.

Nan Gongye looked up at Sang Jian in surprise, "Your Majesty?"

Was this punishment too easy for Ling Yu?
Sang Jian waved to Ling Yu and Pei Dongqing, "Go out first."

Ling Yu didn't say anything, and exited the tent in response.

Pei Dongqing stood at the door, hesitated, "Your Majesty."

He is also a servant, so being alone with Nangongye, isn't it a bit too disrespectful for him?
Sang Jian didn't say anything, Nan Gongye said: "For the past two months, Qing Guijun was alone with His Majesty every day, and we didn't say anything. Why is Qing Guijun unhappy because His Majesty just stayed with me alone for a while today?"

"If Lord Qinggui is unhappy, then I'll go out."

He left Sang Jian's embrace and made a gesture to go out.

Pei Dongqing at the door twitched her lips, "That's not what I meant."

After speaking, he opened the curtain and quietly exited the tent.

Nangongye's words made him unable to answer at all, so he could only leave.

Nangongye was mocking him for his jealousy, as long as he said a word that he wanted to stay, it was considered as a fact.

This kind of thing can't happen, otherwise the image he has established for so long will be destroyed.

After Pei Dongqing left, she looked back at the tent.

Still feel a little reconciled.

He stayed with His Majesty alone for two months, but His Majesty never favored him once.

How can Ye Xianjun live well?Just to show his majesty a little bit of goodwill, the majesty rested in his bamboo courtyard.

But no matter how unwilling he was, Pei Dongqing had no choice for the time being.

After only Sang Jian and Nan Gongye were left in the tent, Nan Gongye couldn't wait to hold Sang Jian's face and kissed it.

No one will disturb him this time, he will finish what he didn't finish before!

(End of this chapter)

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