Chapter 397 Sister is the Queen (47)

Sang Jian let him kiss her.

It's just that the expression on his face is a little unlovable.

After a long time, Nangongye let go of him.

Sang Jian hoarsely said: "Enough?"

Nangongye's forehead was pressed against hers, his eyes were half closed, and his voice was deep and magnetic, "No."

After the words fell, she kissed her again.

The first time can be said to be rough and can't wait, this time it is from shallow to deep, savoring carefully.

After an unknown amount of time, Nan Gongye bit Sang Jian's lower lip and said sadly, "Your Majesty is biased."

Sang Jian: "?"

In order to take care of his emotions, he kissed himself and she didn't resist.

Why are you blaming her now?

Really can't treat him too well?Easy to push the nose on the face?

Nan Gongye held her face and said aggrievedly: "Before when Ling Yue beat me, His Majesty didn't care about me at all. Just now Ling Yu thought of me as that kind of person, and His Majesty only fined her a month's salary."

"And me? I was beaten in vain, and I was imagined to be a dubious man by a general!"

Sang Jian: "."

It was because of this.

When Ling Yue slapped him in the morning, his face was still a little red at first, but now there is no trace of it at all.

It is enough to see how thick his skin is.

Of the two siblings of the Ling family, one cried because of his tea ceremony, and the other had bad thoughts about him.

He still thinks she's biased?
Sang Jian raised his hand to touch his face, and asked patiently, "Then what do you want?"

Nan Gongye said: "Insulting the Queen's servant, this crime will have one's tongue cut off."

He put his hand on the back of Sang Jian's hand touching his face.

His tone was soft, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing, "Ling Yue slapped me, and he would also be chopped off."

Sang Jian slightly hooked his lips, "Is that so?"

Before she could say anything more, Nangongye continued: "I know that the two of them are His Majesty's right-hand assistants and servants, and His Majesty must be reluctant to let them get hurt."

"To make up for me, may His Majesty grant me a wish?"

At the beginning, all the preparations were made to let Sang Jian grant him a wish unconditionally.

Seeing that the smile on her face hadn't disappeared, Sang squeezed Nangong Ye's face, "What did Ah Ye say? I must be thinking that Ah Ye is happy."

"About punishing their siblings, how about Ah Ye doing it by himself? Doing it by yourself is the only way to relieve anger, isn't it? Don't worry, I won't feel sorry for them. Who made them make Ah Ye unhappy?"

Nangongye: "."

That is to say, Sang Jian asked him to cut off his hands and tongue, wish or something, don't even think about it?
This is different from what he imagined!

Does she really not care about Ling Yue and Ling Yu at all?
Nan Gongye frowned, staring at Sang Jian, with an inexplicable expression on his face.

Sang Jian looked at him with a smile in his eyes.

The two looked at each other for a long time, Nangongye avoided his eyes first, and said very seriously: "I want to enter the barracks and lead troops to fight."

Since he was not given a chance to wish, then he just asked for it!

Sang Jian replied without thinking, "Okay!"

Nangongye: "???"

He frowned even tighter.

Didn't she even ask a question?

Besides, aren't men allowed to enter Mu country's barracks?

Sang Jian took back the hand that was on his face, and said seriously: "As long as Ah Ye doesn't hide his true thoughts, I will agree."


Nan Gongye said that it was a lie that there was no touch in his heart.

She probably knew that he wanted to make a request, but he was playing tricks on her at first.

(End of this chapter)

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