Chapter 414 Sister is the Queen (64)

Sang Jian suddenly got up from the desk and ran outside.

The palace people at the door didn't react, they saw their queen running out of their sight.

"Fuck! You don't speak Wude better than me!" Sang Jian's expression turned ugly.

She guessed that Nangong Shi might be able to exchange something with the system, so she opened a cheat for himself.

But she didn't expect that he would really dare to use it, and he was still in the barracks!
"If you can use it, others can use it too." Yiyuan was still sarcastic.

Hasn't she done this before?
Sang Jian sighed, "I really can't leave for a moment."

She just wanted to rest for a while, but accidents happened twice.

It seems that in the future, I have to tie his trouser belt and watch him personally!

Yi Yuan also sighed, "After all, villains have to grow up."

If accidents don't happen often, how can it arouse the anti-human character in their hearts?
Sang Jian twitched the corners of his mouth, and suddenly slowed down, as if he was not in such a hurry for a while.

Yiyuan froze for a moment, "Why didn't you run away?"

Sang Jian: "Seeing that you are so calm, he should be fine. If he is about to die, you won't keep making sarcastic remarks to me."

If he was really seriously injured, he would only be in a hurry than anyone else.

Yuan: "." Oh, it was discovered.

After Nangong Shi got the gun, he pointed it at Nangongye's stomach.

The moment he fired the gun, the Gu worm in Nangong Shi's head felt that his hatred was about to explode, so he came out to work.

At that time, Nan Gongshi felt a stabbing pain in his head, and the pain caused him to lose the grip of the gun in his hand.

The gun grazed Nangongye's waist, leaving a black mark on the clothes around his waist.

Nangongye was stunned for a moment, then reacted quickly, reached out and grabbed the pistol, and put it on Nangongshi's head.

"There are a lot of strange things on your body. Without these things, how long do you think you can be arrogant?"

There was a chill in Nangongye's eyes.

It was like this when I was a child, and I was often frightened by the strange things that Nangong Shi brought out.

But now he was still a little scared, if this thing hit him just now, would he die directly?
After all, Nangong Shi even dared to use disgusting things like Gu worms, so killing him directly should not be difficult in Nangong Shi's eyes.

Fortunately, this guy looks like a Gu worm attack?

Nan Gongshi couldn't care less about the gun on his head now, he put his head in his hands and rolled on the ground in pain.

There seemed to be tens of millions of ants eating in his head, and the pain was so painful that he wanted to die immediately.

He was in such pain that he couldn't be a monster for the time being. Nangongye stood up from the ground, looked at the gun in his hand, and didn't know what he was thinking.

He looked back at the place where the gun hit just now, and there was a bullet crater on the wall, which was enough to show how powerful this thing was.


Nangong Shi, who was rolling on the ground, suddenly resisted the pain and reached out to grab Nangongye's foot.

He was tearful and said: "Don't think that you are safe now that you are in Mu Country. If I want you to die, I can kill you in a hundred ways! You'd better be honest with me!"

Nangongye stepped on his hand and crushed it, "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Under such circumstances, how dare he speak harshly to himself?
Nan Gongshi gritted his teeth and wanted to say something, but unfortunately his mind was muddled and his mind was confused.

Even a simple call system can't do it.

There was a sound of footsteps around the corner. Someone should have heard the gunshots and came to check on the situation.

Nangongye put away his pistol, and kicked the dead fish-like Nangongshi on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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