Chapter 415 Sister is the Queen (65)

Where is this going?
He was often attacked by Gu insects before.

This is the first time for Nan Gongshi, and he has never experienced the feeling that he should hate someone very much, but he still can't hate him, and he can't remember to eat or fight!
"what happened?"

Ling Yu's voice sounded from behind, and she walked over with a group of soldiers.

"Ye Xianjun, are you... avenging your own personal revenge?"

Ling Yue glanced at Nangong Shi whose face had been beaten into a pig's head on the ground, and then looked at Nangongye.

Although the people on the ground could no longer distinguish their appearances, Ling Yu could immediately recognize the person lying on the ground with the clothes on his body. The person lying on the ground was the one whom the empress praised for being good-looking yesterday!
Does Ye Xianjun dislike people so much?

They actually called people here and beat them like pigs!

Nangong Shi looks half dead now, Ling Yu has already determined that Nangongye was the one who beat him.

Nangongye didn't explain, and raised his leg to leave.

It can't be explained to those who don't know the truth.

Ling Yu stretched out his hand to stop him, and said coldly: "I still call you Ye Xianjun to show off your majesty. Don't forget that you have already entered the military camp. It is reasonable to say that you are my subordinate. You have to Call me General!"

"If you don't understand the rules in the barracks, I think I should send you to study hard first."

Fighting is not allowed in the barracks, this is the most important one.

He made a mistake on the first day, so he had to ask the queen to take him back.

Nangongye narrowed his eyes slightly, and was about to say something.

Sang Jian's voice sounded from behind everyone, "But before letting him learn the rules, shouldn't General Ling investigate clearly what happened here?"

"What if Ah Ye was the victim? It's just that he was strong enough to fight back."

Sang Jian came out from around the corner.

She hurried, but still came.

The moment he saw her, Nangongye's eyes lit up.

He quickly ran towards Sang Jian and hid behind her.

"His Majesty……"

He grabbed her sleeves with a slightly aggrieved expression.

Sang Jian patted the back of his hand to comfort him, and at the same time turned around to look at him.

When he saw a bullet mark on his waist, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Your Majesty, you can't shield him just because you like him." Ling Yu frowned.

Although she didn't know why the empress appeared here, her appearance of protecting Ye Xianjun reminded her of the empress who was obsessed with beauty and didn't do anything serious all day long!

Sang Jian turned to look at Ling Yu, "General Ling can't make random guesses just because he doesn't like Ah Ye."

Ling Yu: "..."

She really doesn't like Ye Xianjun very much.

He even felt that the Queen's letting him enter the barracks was just nonsense!
If it wasn't for my brother...

Ling Yu pursed his lips and remained silent.

Sang Jian pulled out Nangongye from behind, and glanced at Nangongshi on the ground who had been in a state of blank mind.

"Aye, tell me, what's going on?"

With Nangongye's ability to make things up, it's no problem to clean himself up.

Nangongye understood what she meant, and immediately told the ins and outs of the matter.

"He asked me to come here and said that he had something important to say. After I came, he asked me to introduce him to His Majesty."

"Isn't this provoking me? I'm not familiar with him, not to mention that I'm still His Majesty's servant, and he dared to ask me to introduce him to His Majesty. How could I bear this anger?"

These words are almost true, but some details are hidden.

(End of this chapter)

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