Chapter 416 Sister is the Queen (66)

Sang Jian nodded and comforted: "Then you did a good job!"

"Your Majesty!" Ling Yu said dissatisfiedly, "Yesterday you saw that this man was good-looking, and he thought you were interesting to him, so he asked Ye Xianjun to say a few words."

"No matter what happens to Mr. Yexian, you should ask for your opinion. Instead of beating him up because you are not angry. You are so narrow-minded..."


Sang Jian raised his hand to stop Ling Yu's words, "I don't know when General Ling will speak for the people of the southern country?"

Ling Yu: "..."

As soon as these words came out, Ling Yu was stunned.

That's right, that man is from the southern country!
Sang Jian said again: "I also said it yesterday, but it's a pity that he is from the southern country, and he has already expressed his attitude. Today he asked Ah Ye to talk about this kind of thing, and it is reasonable for Ah Ye to beat him up."

"It's ridiculous for a person from the south to try to climb onto my phoenix bed!"

After finishing speaking, she tilted her head and smiled at Nangongye: "Aye, right?"

"...Yes." Nangongye's mouth twitched slightly.

I didn't expect His Majesty to be more serious than him in telling nonsense.

Ling Yu: "..."

It is true to say so, but she still feels that Ye Xianjun is a bit too selfish.

Thinking of this, she also said: "But Ye Xianjun still has some problems with his attitude. It's fine if you don't recruit talents for His Majesty's harem, but..."

Nan Gongye, who had never spoken to Ling Yu, couldn't bear it any longer when he heard this, "General Ling can't meet unique favors, so why should I pretend that such feelings don't exist in the world? Why should I recruit talents for His Majesty?" ? I wish His Majesty could only see me!"

"Ridiculous!" Ling Yu said angrily, "Your Majesty is the Empress of Mu Kingdom! You can't bring benefits to His Majesty, why don't you allow others to bring benefits to His Majesty?"

Nangongye: "..."

Suddenly, he hated himself for not being from Mu country in the first place. His current status really did not bring her any benefit.

But it sounded so harsh.

Want to refute, but do not know how to speak.

"General Ling..."

Sang Jian suddenly said, "The present country was brought down by you and me, not by men."

Ling Yu and Pei Dongqing had almost the same thoughts.

Sang Jian didn't expect that he heard such words in the imperial study first, and now he heard such words in the barracks.

And it was heard from a man and a woman.

What is the purpose of marrying so many people?
It is to make those people's natal families follow him wholeheartedly.

But if she is a person who is very good at governing the country, is she afraid that no one will follow her?

"..." Ling Yu was stunned for a while.

I didn't expect Sang Jian to say such a thing.

Her three views have been greatly refreshed.

She thought it was normal for a woman to have three husbands and four servants, and it was normal for a female queen to serve the emperor thousands of times.

But the current situation tells her that His Majesty obviously doesn't think so.

Then why did she find so many beautiful men back then?As a display?
Thinking of this, Ling Yu suddenly felt that it was really just a decoration for the Queen to bring them back!

Because the handsome men she was looking for at the beginning were all good-looking, regardless of their status.

Whether it is useful to her or not, as long as she has a good face...

"Okay, I still hope that General Ling will treat Ah Ye equally in the future, without prejudice."

"Just like other countries, they are very prejudiced against our Mu country being ruled by a woman. It is wrong to do so."

Sang Jian persuasively persuaded, and then pulled Nangongye away.

After all, I still don't want to lose the talent of Ling Yu, who is also the protagonist's mother after all.

(End of this chapter)

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