Chapter 429 Sister is the Queen (79)

Sang Jian tilted his head and looked at him, his unwavering eyes made Nangongye's heart tremble.

He leaned closer to Sang Jian's ear, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "It will take about five days to return to the southern country from here."

"Five days later, Your Majesty will set off from here and go to the southern country to pick me up, okay?"

Sang Jian looked away, "I thought you didn't trust me to kill them."

"How is it possible! In my heart, His Majesty is the best no matter what it is!"

"But General Ling is right. The soldiers of the Mu Kingdom can't stand the trouble. And I... will settle everything after I go back, and wait for your majesty to pick me up with peace of mind."

"Could it be that your Majesty has forgotten that when you marry someone, you want to marry him back to your own family from that person's natal family."

Sang Jian: "...Okay."

The young man is still young, he doesn't know how to take shortcuts, he insists on going through the process.

Sang Jian, besides agreeing, is there any other way?

"Then you go." Sang Jian twitched the corners of his lips, letting Nangongye decide for himself.

Nangongye received the instruction, raised his head expressionlessly, and turned to Nangong Shi who was opposite him, "Lead your troops now and withdraw from the territory of Mu Kingdom, I will come right away."

"Why should I trust you?" Nangong Shi said angrily.

How dare this kid yell at him?

Have you forgotten how he begged for mercy in his own hands when he was a child?
"You have no other choice but to trust me." Nangongye sneered.

He raised his hand and threw the long sword in his hand.

The long sword was like a javelin, and with a puff, it was inserted between the eyebrows of a soldier beside Nangong Shi.

One sword kills!
Nangong Shi widened his eyes in fright.


Nangongye, this is Chiguoguo's threat!
He glared at Nangongye.

Thinking of how this kid has been bullied by him since he was a child, and he has put in a lot of hard work in order to resist him.

The strength is indeed quite strong, and one enemy is not a problem.

If he didn't believe Nangongye's words, Nangongye would be a difficult opponent if he fought hard.

In addition, his system is useless now except for urging him to do the task quickly.

He couldn't beat Nangongye either.

After thinking about it, Nangong Shi could only grit his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.


He beckoned and began to retreat under the cover of the soldiers.

Seeing this, Ling Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Her Majesty is ignorant of current affairs, this Nan Gongye is fine.

Otherwise, she wanted to knock Her Majesty unconscious and forcefully hand over Nangongye.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt a piercing gaze fall on herself.

She couldn't help shivering, and when she raised her head, she met Nangongye's eyes.

Nangongye just glanced at her and didn't say anything.

In the next second, Nan Gongye leaned close to Sang Jian, his gaze became tender, hugged Sang Jian, and kissed the corner of her mouth.

"Your Majesty, I will wait for you."

After finishing speaking, he let go of her, rode his horse and followed the soldiers from the southern country, and left Mu country.


A group of people from Nanguo came and went in a hurry.

The sky was overcast, and it seemed that it was going to rain.

Sang Jian looked up at the sky.

Ling Yu beside him felt that she was sad, and immediately comforted her: "Your Majesty, Lord Ye Xian did the right thing. He sacrificed his ego for the sake of the greater ego, and all the people in Mu Kingdom will remember him!"

"Hey." Sang Jian couldn't help laughing out, "General Ling, do you think I'm wasting my military power for him?"

"Aye left with them today, and they will call again after a while. I'm just thinking of a solution once and for all."

"You'd better pray that Ah Ye will be fine when he returns to the southern country, otherwise you will be the next victim."

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(End of this chapter)

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