Chapter 430 Sister is the Queen (80)

"For the sake of the soldiers, you are doing well, but you still lack some affection in your heart."

Sang Jian dropped these words, took the horse rope and turned back to the barracks to rest.

Ling Yu froze in place, thinking about what Sang Jian had said.

She didn't think much about feelings.

She really felt that her soldiers should not be sacrificed in vain for the sake of her children's personal relationship.

But Sang Jian's words kept echoing in her mind, if something happened to Nangongye, would she be the next one?
There is no personal enmity between her and Nan Guo!

It was not until two days later that she understood what this meant.

That night, Ling Yu was resting in his tent.

A few dark shadows sneaked in, holding sacks and trying to trap her.

Fortunately, Ling Yu's general for so many years was not in vain, she immediately opened her eyes and avoided the sack.

She turned over, quickly drew the long sword by the bedside, and shouted loudly: "There is an assassin, go and escort him!"

Someone actually engaged in a sneak attack?
If someone dared to come to her tent, wouldn't it be more dangerous for His Majesty?
Seeing that the situation was not good, the men in black dropped their sacks and turned around and ran away.

Ling Yu took the sword and chased it out.

The soldiers on watch outside immediately blocked several people.

These few people were quickly arrested.

When Ling Yu was about to interrogate all the men, they all bit their tongues and committed suicide without hesitation.

What surprised Ling Yu the most was that this group of people came not for His Majesty, but for her!
Because Sang Jian didn't encounter such a thing.

Really answered what Sang Jian said, if something happens to Nan Gongye, she will be next...

But what did they catch her for?
Because of this incident, no one in the barracks has fallen asleep.

Ling Yu was standing in Sang Jian's tent at this time, with a solemn expression, "Your Majesty, these people... no accident, they were sent by the Southern Kingdom."

Sang Jian was half lying on the soft couch, and replied lazily: "Yes."

"You said, just wiped them out two days ago, how could such a thing happen today."

Sang Jian supported his head with one hand, and there was no emotion on his face.

"..." Ling Yu was at a loss for words for a moment.

Thinking of the last time when the queen led them to win more with less, the battle two days ago was indeed possible.

It's just that she felt that since the opponent only wanted Nangongye, it would be fine to hand it over, otherwise it would be a waste of troops.

Who knew that group of people would not believe what they said!After taking Nangongye away, he even sent someone back to carry out a sneak attack!


Ling Yu said seriously: "But Your Majesty, Mr. Ye Xian is originally from the southern country..."

Isn't it normal for people to bring him back to the southern country?

Sang Jian raised his eyebrows noncommittally, and waved at her, "I'm tired, step back."

Ling Yu hesitated, "Then, Your Majesty, when are we going back to the capital?"

"hold on."

People haven't come back yet, so don't worry.

Ling Yu lowered his eyes, always feeling that His Majesty still has no heart for Nangongye?


Two more days passed.

From time to time, Ling Yu would be attacked by soldiers from the southern country who sneaked in, all trying to catch her.

Ling Yu was so speechless that he didn't understand when he offended them.

He even nearly hurt himself once.

In the past two days, the military camp has stepped up patrols, but it is still unavoidable that there will be assassins from the southern kingdom.

They didn't seem to want to kill her, just to catch her alive.

But this move is undoubtedly humiliating Ling Yu.

Seeing that Sang Jian didn't intend to ask the class teacher to return to court, Ling Yu finally couldn't bear it and went to Sang Jian.

"Your Majesty, the southerners are so dishonest, let's go back! Just bring Ye Xianjun back!"

(End of this chapter)

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