Chapter 432 Sister is the Queen (82)

However, before leaving, he still wanted to take Ling Yu away.

It takes nearly a year from conception to childbirth, and he only has three years, so there is not much time left for him!

None of those sent out to kidnap Ling Yu before came back!
A bunch of idiots, let him do it himself!
[System, how long is it before they attack the palace? ] Nan Gongshi couldn't help asking the system.

【Drip——they have already surrounded the imperial city, and at the gate of the imperial city, they have no plans to attack the imperial palace. 】

Nangong Shi: "?"

If they don't enter the palace, then what are they hunting here for?
Nangong Shi was only silent for a moment, then asked: 【Can you find a way to make Ling Yu take the order? 】

He didn't ask for props, but just made a small request, and the system should agree.

Ling Yu had too many soldiers around him, so he could only take advantage of her being alone to find an opportunity to attack her.

[Drip, yes. 】

Sure enough, the system agreed to Nangong Shi's request.

Nangong Shi happily rolled up the package containing a pile of gold, silver and jewelry, and was about to run out of the room after picking it up.


Just as he ran to the door, the door of the room was kicked open suddenly.

Nan Gongye walked in slowly from the outside.

He was wearing a red dress and a jade crown on his head, as if he had dressed up specially.

Even his face looked ruddy, and he looked like a monster.

"Second brother, where do you want to go?"

Nangongye stood at the door of the room with his hands behind his back, staring at Nangongshi with a smile on his face.


Nangong Shi's eyes widened, and in the next second, he lowered his head, walked around Nangongye's body, and was about to leave, "I advise you to mind your own business!"

Before his legs stepped out of the room, Nangongye stretched out his hand and grabbed his arm, pulled him back abruptly, and threw him on the ground.

"Second brother, why haven't you understood the current situation? I have come to block you on purpose. You don't think I'm just here to say hello to you, do you?"

To think that if you say something harsh, he will let him go?

Nangong Shi fell to the ground hard, and the gold, silver and jewels in his arms were scattered all over the ground.

Nangongye stared at him condescendingly, without any emotion in his eyes.

Only Nangong Shi knew that he was hating himself.

It was like this when I was a child, whenever Nangongye showed even the slightest bit of hatred in his eyes, he would punish him.

So much so that Nangongye learned to hide his emotions later.

"What do you want? Nangongye, are you really going to betray Nanguo for the queen of Muguo?" Nangongshi shrank back in fear.

"Don't forget, you are the prince of the Southern Kingdom!"

Nan Gongye walked towards him step by step, and knelt down in front of him, "The Seventh Prince of the Southern Kingdom is dead, didn't you spread the news?"

He casually picked up an ingot of gold on the ground, and played with it in his hand, "Is the second brother also afraid of the turn of feng shui?"

Nangong Shi: "..."

He looked at Nangongye nervously, and there was a dagger in his hand under his sleeve at some point.

When Nangongye was looking at Jinzi, he suddenly raised his hand and stabbed at Nangongye.

"What Feng Shui turns? I will kill you now!"


The dagger pierced the metal, making a harsh sound.

Nangongye held the ingot of gold between his two fingers, blocking the dagger stabbed by Nangong Shi.

Nangong Shi widened his eyes.

It's obvious that I'm already very fast...

Nangongye sneered, "Second brother, your strength is not as good as before."

After saying that, he exerted a little force on his fingers, and with a click, the dagger stuck on the gold broke in two.

(End of this chapter)

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