Chapter 433 Sister is the Queen (83)

"You..." Nangong Shi opened his mouth, but he didn't finish speaking.

Nangongye had already thrown away the gold in his hand, and raised his hand to press it on his face.


The back of Nangong Shi's head hit the floor hard, and his face was held down by Nangongye, unable to move.

Nangongye's indifferent voice sounded, "Speaking of which, what about those weird things that Second Brother often brings out? Don't you need to come out and kill me now?"

Nangong Shi: "..."

Speaking of this, he cursed as if he had been poked into a sore spot: "You also know that I have those things? Who gave you the courage to treat me like this? Now let me go and send me out safely, I can spare you Life!"

He just prayed that Nangongye would be frightened by his words.

After all, Nangongye has seen the power of those things before.

Who knows, Nan Gongye sighed regretfully, "It seems that you won't be able to get it out, otherwise you wouldn't be in a hurry."

Nangong Shi: "..."

"But it's okay, I have it here."

With the other hand, Nangongye took out a pistol from his body.

Nangong Shi's eyes widened from between the fingers that Nangongye pressed on his face, and he stretched out his hand to grab it.

"give me back!"

This is what he spent 20 years of his life in exchange for!
"Okay, I'll give it back to you."

The pistol turned in a circle in Nangongye's hand, and the next second, he held the trigger and stuffed the muzzle into Nangongshi's mouth.

"Click here?"

He squinted slightly, and pulled the gun in his hand.

"Do not……"

Nangong Shi roared indistinctly.

There was a gunshot, and the bullet shot from his throat and pierced the back of his head.

Nangong Shi stared wide-eyed, a little unwilling to die.

Before he died, he never thought that Nangongye would strike so quickly!

Warm blood splashed onto Nangongye's hands and clothes.

Nangongye frowned, immediately let go of Nangong Shihe's pistol, and looked at his hands and clothes in disgust.

"So powerful?"

He knew that this thing was powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so big.

Originally thinking that His Majesty would come to pick him up and return to Mu Country today, he would look better in his grand attire, but he was still dirty.


The more Nangongye thought about it, the more angry he became, he suddenly raised his hand and slapped Nangongshi on the head.

With a click, the floor cracked, and Nan Gongshi's head was pushed into the floor pit.

Nangongye withdrew his hand in disgust and stood up, even kicking him.

Then he left the room.


At the same time, what he didn't know was that a crazy siren sounded in Nangong Shi's mind.

[Alarm alert, the host mission failed, died in the small world, and the self-destruct mode is about to start!Self-destruct mode is about to start! 】

[Countdown... Ten... Nine... Eight...]

"Ba, your sister! Bring it here!"

When the countdown was within eight seconds, Yi Yuan appeared and quickly took the system into his pocket, preventing a self-destruction.

"This guy wanted to blow up Nangong Shi's body, but I stopped him!"

After accepting the system, Yiyuan came back happily to meet Sang to announce the good news.

"However, the two of you kill each other in the same way!"

They all like to shoot people's heads on the ground!
Looking at the way Nangong Shi died, he couldn't help but think of Alai from the previous world.

However, Nan Gongye was not as cruel as Sang Jian, but Sang Jian slapped people's heads into muddy meat.

At any rate, Nangongye left a whole body for others.

Sang Jian ignored his teasing, "So he came out?"

Yi Yuan said, "Well, but now the palace is in a mess, it's hard to say whether they can come out smoothly."

  Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow this world will end~

  Remember to vote and check in, good night~

(End of this chapter)

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