Chapter 435 Sister is the Queen (85)

"My surname is not Nangong, my surname is Mu, the virtuous monarch of the Empress Mu, please don't shout, what should I do if I am misunderstood by the Empress?"

"After all, Mu Guoguo's surname is not so easy to get."

After saying that, he suddenly let go of the rein in his hand and jumped up from the horse.

Lightly stepped on the horse's head with his toes, and flew towards Sang Jian with his strength.

From the beginning to the end, Sang Jian didn't say a word, and watched Nangongye's performance quietly.

I have to say that she likes this play very much.

Nan Gongye met Sang Jian in the air, and then sat down firmly behind Sang Jian.

He put his hands around Sang Jian's waist from behind, and rested his chin on Sang Jian's shoulders.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Does Your Majesty miss me? I miss Your Majesty so much."

Sang Jian leaned into his arms, handed the rein to Nan Gongye, and said with a light smile, "So how many people have you killed?"

Nan Gongye turned the rein in his hand a few times, and said in a low voice: "What did your majesty say? Killing one person would have killed me, how many more can I kill? I'm just a helpless man. A weak and beautiful man with strength."


Sang Jian slightly raised his eyebrows, "After all, Ah Ye's physique has always been to be strengthened."

Nangongye: "???"

Before Nangongye could refute, Sang Jian suddenly changed the topic.

"Then, would a weak and beautiful man who has no strength to restrain a chicken be willing to follow me back to Mu Country?"

"Going back this time, there is probably no chance of returning here."

"Mu Ye is willing!"

Mu Ye replied without thinking.

From this moment on, he completely changed his surname, breaking with the previous one, and has nothing to do with it.

Sang Jian nodded in satisfaction.

She winked at Ling Yu who was doubting her life beside her, "Retreat and return home."

Ling Yu came back to his senses, concealed the shock in his heart, and pulled the horse rope to inform the others to withdraw their troops.

She never thought that Nangongye was really willing to go with the queen, and even changed his surname without hesitation.

Is it because the empress is so kind that he has a sense of belonging, or is it that Nanguo treats him so badly that he has no nostalgia for Nanguo?
There may be two reasons, no matter the reason, this result is beyond Ling Yu's expectation.


Hearing that Sang Jian was about to withdraw troops and return to the country, Mu Ye blinked and whispered in her ear: "Your Majesty just went back like this? Aren't you going to attack?"

He thought that Sang Jian would take advantage of the trend to take over Nanguo and make Nanguo his territory.

Sang Jian shook his head, "Yes, but it's not necessary."

Mu Ye: "?"

Afraid that he didn't understand, Sang Jian explained: "Nanguo and Mu have different ideas. If I annex Nanguo, in order to take care of the people in Nanguo, I have to come up with some policy of equality between men and women."

She tilted her head to look at Mu Ye, and curled her lips slightly, "Mu Country is a country where women are respected, and there has never been equality between men and women. I am the Queen, and it is fine to guard an acre of land. Why change the policy in order to expand the territory? "

Mu Ye stared at her ruddy lips, swallowed, "Your Majesty doesn't need to change the policy for the sake of the southern kingdom."

"But not every Southerner will accept the fact that women are respected in Mu Kingdom like Aye."

Sang Jian said: "Maybe they will accept it on the surface, but only they know what they think in their hearts. If this continues, many conflicts will arise. Sooner or later, the conflicts will intensify, and one day people in the southern country will rebel. I don't want to see this things happen."

(End of this chapter)

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