Chapter 436 Sister is the Queen (86)

Better not to have civil unrest in the first place than to have civil unrest in the end.

Anyway, even if she takes down the whole world, it will belong to the heroine in the end.

Isn't this a cheap hostess?
This kind of loss-making business can never be done.

Mu Ye thought about it carefully, and it seemed that what Sang Jian said was right.

Not all men accept women as respected.

"In that case, let's ignore them." Mu Ye tugged at the reins, "Your Majesty, we are going home."

"Yeah." Sang Jian nodded.

Mu Ye turned his horse around and started to walk back.

All the southerners at the gate of the imperial city dared not move.

When Mu Ye was still with them just now, what else could they say.

Now I don't dare to go up and be presumptuous at all, for fear of being killed by the people of Mu country.

There was nothing to do but watch them leave.

At this moment, a man carrying a package rushed out from the gate of the imperial city, and shouted at the backs of Mu Ye and Sang Jian: "Master! Your Majesty! Wait for me!"

Wan Wu beckoned to them.

Seeing a horse next to the group of ministers, he immediately got on the horse and rode to chase after it.

He just went back to the place where his master lived before and packed up some things, who knew they didn't wait for him!
What a mistake!

After this turmoil, the southern country completely lost its previous prestige.

Unlike the original world, Nangongye didn't kill anyone except Nangongshi, and his brothers and sisters were still alive.

Whoever wants to inherit the throne goes.

But after this battle, whether the people of the Southern Kingdom will allow the Nangong clan to be the emperor is another matter.

Now these things that belong to the Nangong clan have nothing to do with Mu Ye.

On the way back to Mu Country, Ling Yu never dared to look directly at Mu Ye.

She used to think of Nangong Ye as a villain, but now she has a guilty conscience towards Mu Ye.

She really never thought that one person would do this to another person.

Abandoning his own country, abandoning his surname, and following the queen without hesitation.

Ask yourself, if it was Ling Yu, she might not even be able to do this by herself.

For example, she loves Mu Country very much, and also loves everyone in Mu Country. If she blindly falls in love with a man from the southern country, she still has to be him.

She should and will not abandon her country and people for him.

Thinking about it this way, she realized that maybe Nan Guo had treated Mu Ye so badly before that he had no nostalgia for him.


After returning to Mu country, everything returned to normal.

Mu Ye was still in the barracks, and because of this battle, he was appointed a small official in the barracks.

This time Ling Yu also had no objection, after all, he knew that Mu Ye was sincerely for Mu Guo.

Sang Jian still went to court to approve memorials every day, but he seldom went to the barracks.

If you don't know how to fight for the time being, there is no need to train soldiers yourself.


Today, it is rare to have free time.

Mu Ye didn't go to the barracks, and Sang Jian didn't go to the imperial study after morning court, the two of them took a walk in the imperial garden.

When passing by the courtyard where some servants lived, Sang Jian was still full of emotions.

The main reason was that she knew that she had dismantled her harem, and was afraid that she would climb out of the grave and beat her to death.

"Speaking of which, Your Majesty..."

Mu Ye suddenly stopped at the gate of a courtyard, and asked aloud, "Hasn't Ling Yue made trouble with you since Ling Yue passed by?"

He felt that with Ling Yue's temperament, even if he was locked up by Ling Yu, he wouldn't just be trapped like this, and wouldn't even make a fuss.


Speaking of this, Sang Jian was a little embarrassed.

Thinking of the way Ling Yue came to make trouble with her last time, she said that when he was an adult, if he still liked her, she would take him back.

(End of this chapter)

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