Chapter 459 Youth Doesn’t Pain (18)

Ye Xingchen was still too lazy to talk to Leng Youyou.

Leng Youyou was used to it. After she finished speaking, she turned around and continued to listen to the teacher.

In this environment, if my brother can study hard, so can she!
However, at this moment, Ye Xingchen was thinking about how to stay away from her.

Su Ziwen's eyes were on Leng Youyou throughout the class, and he felt that Ye Xingchen really didn't know what to do.

With such a lovely sister by my side, normal people wouldn't treat her like this, right?
Oh, maybe Ye Xingchen was never a normal person.


After class, Ye Xingchen got up and left.

Leng Youyou immediately chased after him, "Brother, wait for me!"

In just a few minutes, there was a scandal in the school that the schoolmaster who had just arrived was followed by a very cute girl, and the two were a natural match.

When Su Ziwen heard this, he cursed on the spot, "I'm going to fuck you! They are brothers and sisters! Do brothers and sisters understand!"

The two parties did not know the news.

Leng Youyou was still chasing after Ye Xingchen, chattering endlessly, "Brother, I'm here, can you show me around the school?"

"Or, brother is taking me to school now?"

Except for walking a little faster, the rest is no different from going to school.

Sure enough, my brother is duplicity!
But in the next second, she saw Ye Xingchen enter the men's room.

Leng Youyou: "..."

She stopped and said in embarrassment: "Brother, hurry up, I'll wait for you!"


Ye Xingchen really didn't expect that Leng Youyou from the men's room would follow. He originally planned to let her feel ashamed and leave here.

Didn't expect that she planned to wait for him at the door?

He was a little irritable.

As soon as he entered the toilet, Ye Xingchen saw a few classmates crowded in the corner by the window, smoking and bragging.

Because they stood at the window and smoked, they could dissipate the smell, and the smell of cigarettes in the toilet was not that great.

Ye Xingchen glanced at them and entered one of the compartments.

Those people stopped bragging when they saw Ye Xingchen, and started chatting about other things.

"There are no more cigarettes, go out and buy later?"

"Who's going to buy it?"

"Let's go together. I heard that there is a new hot pot restaurant on North Street. Let's go. Brother Noon invites you to have a meal!"

As soon as Ye Xingchen came out of the cubicle, he subconsciously glanced at them again, just in time to see those people flipping out the window.

The back of the window corresponds to the backyard of the school, and there are usually no teachers in the back. Even if there are occasional teachers who pass by and bump into them, they basically turn a blind eye.

It is especially convenient for students to jump over the wall and skip class.

Ye Xingchen withdrew his gaze and went to wash his hands silently.

It's just the action of washing hands, which is very slow.

Skipping class...

This seems to be what bad students should do, right?

He arrived at school on time all day long and listened carefully to the lectures. He was indeed a little too obedient.

After the students turned out and left, Ye Xingchen turned off the faucet and walked slowly to the window.

Looking at the scenery outside, Ye Xingchen hesitated for a moment, then leaned on the window sill and jumped out.


Ye Xingchen almost followed behind those classmates, watching how they climbed over the wall to get out.

After making sure that those people were gone, he came to the place where those people climbed over the wall, and was about to climb out.

As soon as I climbed to the top of the wall, the school bell rang.

Ye Xingchen froze for a moment, as if he just realized what he was doing.

But in the next second, he resolutely jumped off the wall and left the school.

(End of this chapter)

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