Chapter 460 Youth Doesn’t Pain (19)

It's all here, there's no reason to go back.

What's more, he really didn't want to see Leng Youyou.

This was the first time Ye Xingchen skipped class. He stood under the wall, leaned against the wall, and took a deep breath nervously.

I really want to vent.

He put his hands into the pockets of his school uniform, trying hard to calm himself down, and just as he stretched out his pockets, he found a pack of cigarettes.

Ye Xingchen took it out of his pocket and took a look, there were still two in the box.

He hesitated for two seconds, shook out one from the box, put it in his mouth, took out the lighter and lit it.

Sang Jian's appearance of smoking a cigarette last night unconsciously appeared in his mind, and her pretty face was blurred by the smoke.

Ye Xingchen lowered his eyes and imitated her and took a sharp breath.

"Cough cough..."

So choking!

Ye Xingchen was so choked that he quickly took the cigarette out of his mouth, his eyes were red.

And a little nauseated.

Why would anyone like to smoke this?
Isn't this making yourself guilty?
He can't understand.

"Hey, who's little brother, don't study hard, come out over the wall and hide here to smoke?"

At this moment, a joking voice sounded, startling Ye Xingchen, and almost burned himself with the cigarette in his hand.

But he soon came back to his senses, his expressionless handsome face flushed red.

Got caught...

And it was captured by Sang Jian!
The voice came from upstairs opposite him.

After digging out of the school, there is an old-fashioned residential building in front of it, just an alley away.

Sang Jian lives in the building opposite this wall.

She lived on the second floor, not too high, standing on the balcony, just enough to talk to Ye Xingchen effortlessly.

Ye Xingchen didn't expect that Sang Jian's family lived behind the school!
Speaking of which, her bar is not very far from the school.

It's just a detour to go out from the main gate of the school. If you climb over the wall from the back gate of the school, you will arrive soon.

He actually realized it now!
"Sang... Sang sees my sister."

Ye Xingchen cried out in embarrassment.

Is there anything more embarrassing than being thinking about this person just now, and then this person appeared in front of you the next second, and even bumped into a scene that made him ashamed?
Anyway, in Ye Xingchen's eyes, there was nothing worse than this.

Sang Jian put his hands on the balcony railing, and looked at him with some amusement, "What's the matter? Are you in a bad mood?"

When Yiyuan told her just now that she was asked to come to the balcony to block Ye Xingchen, Sang Jian still didn't believe it.

She felt that Ye Xingchen didn't seem like someone who would skip class, but she didn't expect to come to the balcony and not only saw Ye Xingchen skipping class, but also saw him smoking!

What a young man, if he says he's going bad, he's going bad!

What a sin!
Ye Xingchen didn't dare to look up at Sang Jian, so he could only respond softly, "Mmm..."

Really not in a good mood.

As soon as he finished answering, he heard the sound of something falling to the ground in front of him.

Ye Xingchen immediately looked up at her.

Looking at it, I saw Sang Jian, who was still on the balcony just now, is now standing on the ground.

Ye Xingchen was a little surprised.

She jumped off the balcony?

He hurriedly greeted Sang Jian, "Are you all right?"

Although it doesn't look too high, she jumped off like a girl...

At this glance, Ye Xingchen realized that she was wearing a cute doraemon nightdress, flip-flops on her feet, and her long hair was tied into a low ponytail casually.

Without the enchanting charm of yesterday's heavy makeup, there is a touch of fresh and elegant purity.

Still pretty, and...

Wear so little again.

(End of this chapter)

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