Chapter 465 Youth Doesn’t Pain (24)

As soon as the two of them left, the students discussed in shock: "Isn't that the bully of our school? If I remember correctly, this time is the last class in the morning, right? He actually Skip class and come out to pick up girls!"

"Don't tell me, that younger sister is so beautiful. If I were Ye Xingchen, I would skip class and come out to accompany her."

"Tsk, I don't know which class she is from? Why do I feel familiar? But I can't remember where I saw her."

At this moment, a person next to him said silently: "Don't you think that girl is very similar to Su Ziwen's sister?"

Everyone: "..."

Those who often skip classes may not be familiar with others, but they are too familiar with Su Ziwen.

These people, basically regardless of grade, as long as they are from the same school and skip class, they can play together.

I couldn't understand Su Ziwen's situation any better.

Sometimes Su Ziwen would invite them to play in his sister's bar. When they saw his sister, what they felt most was sexy and hot.

I didn't expect to see such a pure side of her, which subverted everyone's perception!

"This night, Xingchen seems to be Su Ziwen's brother? Go back to school and tell Su Ziwen about it!"

To be honest, among the boys who have been to the bar, who hasn't fantasized about meeting Susan?

Who wouldn't be confused by that sexy and provocative look in the bar?
Ye Xingchen couldn't just be this cheap!

Several people discussed for a while how to tell Su Ziwen about this matter.

At this time, the two parties were eating hot pot in the private room with the air conditioner on.

Sang Jian kept handing Ye Xingchen water by the side, "I knew I couldn't eat spicy food, so why try to be brave?"

Sang Jian likes spicy food, Ye Xingchen ordered a red pot directly in order to satisfy her, without considering his own situation at all.

Ye Xingchen's forehead was covered with sweat, looking at the steaming red soup hot pot in front of him, his brain short-circuited a little.

He kept drinking the ice water that Sang Jian handed him, suppressing the inexplicable irritability in his heart.

The most important thing is not spicy, but this thing is too hot!

He doesn't like to eat hot food.

But the hot pot is only comfortable to eat, so he didn't tell Sang Jian about his situation.

Suppressing the heat, I ate a few mouthfuls, and it became like this.

I felt like I was holding back a fire and had nowhere to vent, and my mind was even more muddled.

My stomach is also overwhelmingly uncomfortable, and I feel like vomiting.

This reaction happens when he eats something hot.

But thinking about Sang Jian's appearance of ordering food just now, and his anticipation for this hot pot meal, he couldn't disappoint her.

Can only endure.

Sang Jian poured him another glass of ice water.

Ye Xingchen took it without even thinking about it and wanted to drink it.

Sang Jian quickly raised his hand to stop it, "Still drinking? It's for you to rinse and eat!"

She asked the waiter to add ice cubes to the water, and it was ready to eat after cooling down.

Of course, she didn't forget his habit of not being able to eat hot food, but she didn't expect that he would have such a big reaction when he had a rare hot pot meal.

Sure enough, things that should not be tried should not be tried.

Ye Xingchen froze for a moment, pulled a tissue with his other hand, and wiped the sweat off his face.

Try to make your voice sound gentle, "Would you... have diarrhea?"

Sang Jian nodded, "If you can't eat and want to eat, you have to pay some price."

Ye Xingchen: "..."

After hesitating for a while, he picked up a piece of beef slices with his chopsticks, soaked it in ice water, and put it in his mouth after making sure it was cold.

(End of this chapter)

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