Chapter 466 Youth Doesn’t Pain (25)

The temperature was to his liking, but the taste was terrible and unpalatable.

He finished eating a piece with no expression on his face, and when he looked up, he found that Sang Jian was looking at him.

Ye Xingchen immediately took another piece, expressing that he could accept it.


Sang Jian couldn't help laughing.

"Stop pretending, your face has changed. If you can't eat it, don't eat it. I'm afraid you will go to the hospital soon."

"No." Ye Xingchen shook his head, "I can accept it after rinsing with water."

Sang Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, "Okay, then you can eat."

She didn't stop too much.

Some people don't suffer, he will never have a long memory.

Ye Xingchen is such a person.

The consequence of Sang Jian not stopping him is that he really went to the hospital.


After the two of them came out of the hot pot restaurant, Ye Xingchen couldn't bear it anymore, and vomited in the trash can in front of the store.

His head was full of cold sweat.

Sang Jian hurriedly bought a bottle of ice water and handed it to him, telling him to take it easy, then quickly called a car and took him to the hospital.

If you spit it out at someone's door, other people may think that this hot pot restaurant is not clean. If you don't hurry up, the boss will probably rush out of the restaurant with a kitchen knife.


Sang Jian realized that something would happen to him, but he didn't expect it to be serious enough to wash his stomach.

Because what he ate was normal, and the cause of his vomiting could not be detected, so I simply gave him a gastric lavage to see if he could feel better.

However, he did feel much better after the gastric lavage, and there was no sign of wanting to vomit anymore.

At this time, Ye Xingchen was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, and was infused with nutrient solution in his hands. He looked in a very bad condition.

Sang Jian sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him, teasing: "Are you still trying to be brave?"

Ye Xingchen: "..."

He was a little afraid to go to see Sang.

After a while, he whispered, "I'm sorry."

Originally, I wanted to go to play together in the afternoon, but it turned into a half-day trip to the hospital.

"What are you sorry for?" Sang Jian was a little amused.

"It ruined my sister's interest." Ye Xingchen said.

Sang Jian took out a piece of paper from the bedside cabinet, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said softly, "Then don't be brave next time."

"Yeah." Ye Xingchen nodded.

After Sang Jian finished wiping her sweat, Ye Xingchen suddenly moved to the other side of the hospital bed.

"Sister, do you want to come up and rest for a while? I won't be able to leave for a while. You can take a rest."

Under normal circumstances, she should be asked to go back first.

But Ye Xingchen didn't want her to go.

Seeing his movements, Sang Jian seemed a little surprised, "Here?"

"Yeah." Ye Xingchen lowered his eyes.

"..." Sang Jian stared at him without answering.

Ye Xingchen felt a little uncomfortable under her gaze, he suddenly sat up, and was about to get out of bed after throwing off the quilt, "I'll make room for my sister."

He thought that if he didn't tell her, she wouldn't care about sleeping together.

It seems that the trick of pretending to be stupid is not good, she will still care.

Ye Xingchen was thinking in his heart, just as he was about to get out of bed, one of Sang Jian's arms pressed over and pushed him back on the hospital bed.

"Then I'll rest for a while."

Sang Jian took off his shoes, got on the hospital bed, and pressed Ye Xingchen back with his arms.

She lay directly in his arms, picked up the quilt and covered them both.

Ye Xingchen's eyes widened slightly, nervousness spread all over him.

His face, which was pale just now, was now stained with a blush.

"Sister... sister?" Ye Xingchen blinked, staring at Sang Jian in his arms.

Unfortunately, only the top of her head can be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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