Chapter 484 Youth Doesn’t Pain (43)

"Let me check it out."

Yiyuan quickly searched for information about Leng Youyou's official distribution.

The news he searched by himself, coupled with the function of the previous three-no system, really let him know a lot.

"Tsk tsk tsk, guess what I found?"

The tone of Yiyuanji was tinged with a sense of spectacle, "Her official partner is called Meng Tingyan. Before Leng Youyou fell down, he was also a poor boy, and he became prosperous later."

"After he successfully counterattacked, he was moved by Leng Youyou, who was down and down at that time. He felt that although her life was hard, her positive appearance was very much like his back then, so he gave her a lot of help, and the two of them just watched her when they came and went. It's right."

Sang Jian couldn't help but raised a smile, "Sounds very exciting."

What if Leng Youyou met Meng Tingyan in his current state?

Will she still see him right?
Don't you think he's not good enough for her?

Soon, the smile on Sang Jian's face froze, because Yi Yuan said: "But he is not in this city now, so there is no way for him to show up earlier."

Sang Jian: "..."

Waste ah waste.

Yiyuan: "Don't think that if you scold me in your heart, I won't hear you!"

"Ah...let me trust you every day, and you will lose the chain at the critical moment." Sang Jian said in a disgusted tone.

Yiyuan: "If he's in this city, I can get him here. He's not in this city. I can't help it if he's too far away. After all, I'm not a professional system, let alone the three-no system in my hand. "

So don't blame him!
"Cut, you'll make excuses." Sang Jian rolled his eyes.

She suddenly stood up from her chair and said lazily, "I'm going to the bathroom."

There are private restrooms in the canteen.

Seeing Sang go in, Yiyuan consciously blocks the screen that monitors her.

Sang Jian went in for a while, and when she came out, there was still a puff of smoke in the bathroom.

If you look carefully, you can see that there is still a piece of yellow talisman paper in the wastebasket that has just been burned.

Yi Yuan immediately said: "What are you doing?"

Sang Jian looked as usual, "I'm addicted to cigarettes, can't I smoke a cigarette inside?"

Yi Yuan snorted and said, "What kind of cigarette? Do you want to use talisman paper?"

Sang Jian was serious, "Meng Tingyan."

Yuan: " won."

He couldn't get him over, so she used her own method to get him over?

It works!

When school was over in the afternoon, Sang Jian saw off the last batch of students who bought snacks, and then got off work.

Ye Xingchen has been waiting for her.

Because the two of them made an appointment on the rooftop before, and when they came back from school, they would accompany Ye Xingchen to buy bento boxes.

This time after school, Leng Youyou followed me again, not surprisingly.

If you lost it at noon, you must not lose it after school!
However, she was afraid of being thrown off by Ye Xingchen again, this time Zhiqu didn't say a word, she just followed behind him silently, like a little follower.

After Sang Jian packed up, Ye Xingchen left the school side by side with her.

Leng Youyou silently followed behind the two of them without saying a word.

She needs to be smarter.

She felt that when Sang Jian was with her, he rarely talked to Ye Xingchen.

It seems that he deliberately waited for her to talk more, and then let her arouse his brother's disgust.

So this time she didn't talk anymore, let's see what Sang Jian will do!
Sang Jian didn't think too much about it, what to do.

She and Ye Xingchen took a follower to the supermarket.

Ye Xingchen also picked out some dishes he wanted to eat and put them in the basket.

(End of this chapter)

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