Chapter 485 Youth Doesn’t Pain (44)

Sang Jian looked inexplicable, "Good brother, are you... ordering food?"

Ye Xingchen blinked at her, "Is it okay, sister?"

"It's ok, but I'm not good at other crafts." Today I brought a bento, which is her favorite food, and it's naturally delicious after being proficient in making it.

But what Ye Xingchen wanted to eat... She had never cooked it before, so she didn't know what it would taste like.

Ye Xingchen smiled and said, "It's okay, I trust my sister."

He suddenly had a thought, and said again: "Why don't my sister come shopping with me every day after school? Otherwise, if my sister comes alone, no one will pay for it for you."

"Huh?" Sang Jian was puzzled, "Didn't you say you would give me living expenses? As long as the money is in place."

"Ah... did I say that?" Ye Xingchen pretended to be stupid and dragged her forward, changing the subject, "I suddenly want to eat broccoli."

Seeing that he had changed the subject of Chenggong, Sang said with disgust, "Can you buy some meat? It's all vegetarian. Are you a monk?"

" fish okay?" Ye Xingchen asked.

Sang Jian nodded reluctantly, "All right, buy three more chicken legs."

Ye Xingchen: "?"

He looked serious, "Why three?"

Who else does she want to do it for?Did Su Zi hear it?
Sang Jian said confidently, "I want to eat two!"

Ye Xingchen: "Okay."

Sorry to think too much.

Originally, the two of them were just buying lunch boxes, but suddenly they became grocery shopping.

Leng Youyou, who has been following behind the two of them: "..."

She had never seen her brother like this before.

It seems to be a little dependent on Sang Jian, but when you look closely, it doesn't seem to be dependent.

A very strange feeling.

Don't know how to describe it.

This was also the first time she heard him say what he wanted to eat.

Leng Youyou was silent for a while, and suddenly realized, does my brother lack maternal love?

After all, his mother passed away very early.

And she has been playing the role of a younger sister in front of him, so he is naturally not interested.

Suddenly, a sister like a mother appeared in front of him, and he couldn't help but sink?
That's why he is so dependent on Sang Jian?
It seems to be like this, she saw him acting like a baby to Sang Jian just now!
Leng Youyou thought for a while, then reached out without saying a word and started buying all the ingredients that Ye Xingchen and Sang Jian had bought.

But she didn't buy that many, one was enough.

She also wants her brother to feel her love!
Ye Xingchen and Sang Jian in front of him saw Leng Youyou's actions.

Sang Jian stretched out his elbow to touch Ye Xingchen, and gave him a look.

Ye Xingchen immediately lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "I'm really looking forward to the bento my sister will bring me tomorrow, don't try to fool me!"

He saw what Sang Jian meant, even Leng Youyou was going to cook him food, but she wanted to give up and let him eat Leng Youyou's.

no way!

"Tsk." Sang Jian shrugged helplessly.

This little brother is gone.

How good it is to eat other people's off-the-shelf!Don't bother her.

She really wants to eat ready-made...


The two of them brought a follower with them, and when they came out of the supermarket, Ye Xingchen was carrying large and small bags of things in his hands.

Sang Jian was leisurely beside him empty-handed, without any intention of helping.

The follower behind her was even worse, she didn't have much strength, and after buying so much, she couldn't lift it as a girl.

What made Leng Youyou angry the most was that Ye Xingchen even sent Sang Jian back home!

She thought that Ye Xingchen was going back to her own house, so she followed her, but who knew it was Sang Jian's house?

In other words, she was carrying so many things, and somehow followed her most hated, downstairs of Sang Jian's house!

(End of this chapter)

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