Chapter 486 Youth Doesn’t Pain (45)

Leng Youyou would not follow her upstairs, and she felt that Sang Jian would definitely not let her into the room.

So she stood downstairs and waited for Ye Xingchen to come out.

Unfortunately, after standing for more than ten minutes, she couldn't hold on anymore.

Ye Xingchen upstairs had no intention of coming down at all.

Fortunately, Leng Youyou has strong willpower, so he waited for more than half an hour.

But no matter how strong her willpower was, she couldn't take it anymore.

The weather in the evening was hot and muggy, and she was still carrying so many things, she really had no patience to wait for Ye Xingchen.

Leng Youyou gritted his teeth, and went back with his things first.

At this time, Ye Xingchen was at Sang Jian's house helping her with the ingredients, so that Sang Jian could cook directly tomorrow morning without having to do other things.

Sang Jian was by the small window in the kitchen, just in time to see Leng Youyou leave.

"You can go back, she's gone." Sang Jian said.

Ye Xingchen paused for a while while washing the vegetables, "I didn't leave to avoid her."

"I know." Sang Jian turned from the window and approached Ye Xingchen, "But it's getting dark outside, I'll worry about you if I go back later."

Ye Xingchen was still a little unhappy when he heard Sang Jian tell him to leave.

After her explanation, Ye Xingchen suddenly felt that it was okay again.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly uncontrollably, but he still said solemnly: "I'll go back after I help my sister fix it."

Sang Jian leaned against the stove, watched Ye Xingchen seriously washing the vegetables, and teased, "You don't think you want to procrastinate until night, and then find an excuse to stay overnight, right? After all, Su Ziwen won't be at home these two days."

"..." I actually forgot about this!
Ye Xingchen raised his eyes to look at Sang Jian, his eyes were shining, and asked directly: "Is it okay?"

Can he stay overnight?

"Of course..." Sang Jian squinted and smiled, "No."

Why are minors staying here with her?

I can only watch and worry, but I can't do it.

Go back when it's time to go, Sang Jian doesn't want to stay.

Ye Xingchen sighed in disappointment, "Okay."

Disappointed on the surface, he was still flattered in his heart.

At least, she didn't feel disgusted when she made such a joke.

Ye Xingchen sped up his movements, cut up every dish, put it on a plate, wrapped it with plastic wrap, and put it in the refrigerator.

Tomorrow Sang Jian will just take it out and fry it.

Sang Jian didn't even touch the water at the side, and watched Ye Xingchen do it the whole time.

Judging by his proficiency, he should be very good at cooking.

Blame it on her that she had nothing to do to make lunch this morning, and she ate it for him!
Now let her get up every morning to bring him food, will she be tired after a long time?

Seeing her eyeballs turning slightly, Sang suddenly said, "Ye Xingchen, you're good at cooking!"

Ye Xingchen didn't even look up, "Sister, don't try to make excuses for me to cook and bring meals."

"You have promised me that no matter how I know how to cook, I can only help you."

"What's more, I won't do it."

He just knows how to chop vegetables, not cook.

He doesn't like the stove being too hot.

Sang Jian: "..."

This kid is getting worse and worse!
Now basically as soon as she opened her mouth, he knew what she was thinking.

Ye Xingchen finally marinated the chicken legs, put them in the refrigerator, washed her hands, and looked at Sang Jian, "Does my sister really don't want to do it?"

When he asked this question, Sang Jian could only reply, "It's okay, I'm just tired."

Ye Xingchen smiled, took out a bank card from his pocket, and handed it to her, "Then... I'll give you the money first? I won't let my sister go back on her word."

After all, they are short-handed.

Sang Jian unceremoniously reached out to take it, and when he was about to say something, the door was suddenly knocked open.

Su Ziwen rushed in with a wine bottle in hand, "Ye Xingchen, you bastard! What do you want to do to my sister?!"

(End of this chapter)

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