Chapter 497 Youth Doesn’t Pain (56)

This is what Meng Tingyan has always told himself. Even if it is difficult for him now, he will be positive about life. He firmly believes that sooner or later he will become a leader.

It's just that the time has not come.

So he looks down on people who only talk about their status.

With Leng Youyou's current status, he looks down on little people like them, and they may not be able to look up to Leng Youyou like these little people.

Meng Tingyan felt that Sang Jian was almost the same kind of person as him. Even if he was doing a job that was looked down upon by others, he didn't care about other people's opinions, and just did what he had to do.

That's why he told Sang Jian what he firmly believed in, and it could be regarded as a small comfort to her.


Sang Jian looked at Meng Tingyan's back thoughtfully.

"This passage is not what he said to Leng Youyou in the original world, right?" Sang Jian suddenly asked Yiyuan in his mind.

Yiyuan replied quickly, "You guessed it!"

Sang Jian: "..."

So here comes the question, why did Meng Tingyan say such things to her?

Could it be that she made trouble for herself and came back?

Before she could think too much, Ye Xingchen's faint voice came from beside her, "Sister, you've already left, and you still can't get back to your senses?"

Ye Xingchen always felt that Sang Jian was very interested in Meng Tingyan, but he didn't know how he got this feeling.

But it is very dangerous to make him have such thoughts.

Things like the relationship between two people are born from the initial interest!

Sang Jian regained consciousness, turned her head to look at Ye Xingchen, and said solemnly: "I'm not interested in him."

I just feel that although the plot has collapsed, Meng Tingyan shouldn't have outrageous thoughts about her, right?
"Oh?" Ye Xingchen leaned on the counter, obviously not believing her words, "I don't know when my sister and a new classmate have such a good relationship? He will give cigarettes if he gives them?"

"When I want to smoke, my sister doesn't allow it."

His tone was sour, his eyes scanned Sang Jian, and finally fell on the pocket where Sang Jian held the cigarette.

"I don't let you smoke because I care about you. Others want to die early, and if they want to smoke, I can't help it, can't I?" Sang Jian raised his eyebrows.

As soon as the words fell, Ye Xingchen straightened up, stretched out his arms to surround Sang Jian, and took out the cigarettes in her pocket.

"Well, I also care about my sister. My sister should quit smoking in the future."

After speaking, he put the cigarettes he found into his pocket.

Sang Jian: "..."

Ever since seeing Ye Xingchen secretly smoking a cigarette last time, Sang Jian was afraid that Ye Xingchen would fail in his studies, so he restrained himself from smoking in front of him.

Unexpectedly, after all the calculations, he missed the step of letting him quit smoking!
Sang Jian herself does not smoke, but this body is addictive, so she has to maintain her personality.

Now that Ye Xingchen asked her to quit smoking, it was a good reason not to smoke.

So facing Ye Xingchen's proposal, Sang Jian nodded in silence for a moment, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

"..." Ye Xingchen couldn't fix this.

He thought that his sister would at least resist, but he didn't expect her to agree after just being silent for a while?

Soon, Ye Xingchen felt a little sweeter in his heart.

She is willing to quit smoking for herself, which is a good thing.

He remembered a very popular saying, "Boys will only like a girl who buys them cigarettes, and will never like a girl who forces them to quit smoking. Understanding is more important than love."

It's the same if the boys here are girls.

Ye Xingchen wanted to say, fuck it.

Understanding and love can coexist.

He loves her so makes her quit smoking.

She understood him, so she agreed to quit smoking.

The two can coexist, and the two people in the relationship can express their love and understanding to each other in different places.

The person who said that must be an old smoker who is unwilling to quit smoking, and he said it to fool another group of young smokers who are unwilling to quit smoking!
Thinking of this, Ye Xingchen couldn't hold back and stretched out his hand to hug Sang Jian into his arms.

"My sister is so nice."

He put his head close to Sang Jian's ear, and said in a low voice: "Smoking is not allowed in the future, and if someone asks you for cigarettes again, sister must make it clear to him that you quit smoking because of me, do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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