Chapter 498 Youth Doesn’t Pain (57)

Seeing no struggle, Sang replied softly, "Can I not mention you?"

Ye Xingchen reached out and stroked her hair, "No."

Many people don't want their significant other to tell others what she has done for themselves.

Ye Xingchen does not.

He wished that people all over the world would know what Sang Jian had done for him, so that he could show his status in her heart.

Sang Jian laughed, "Brother, you are a bit possessive."

Ye Xingchen supported her shoulders, bent down and looked at her at the same level, "Then sister can accept it?"

Ye Xingchen knew that he had this shortcoming, and he would never hide it, nor would he want to correct it.

Instead, he directly asked Sang Jian if he could accept it, if not...

"Sister, after a long time together, just get used to it."

I can't accept it now, but it will be fine when I get used to it.

Sang Jian raised his eyebrows, "You have already made the decision for me, why do you need to ask?"

It's okay if she can accept it, but if he can't accept it, he can just let her get used to it.

So the question he asked himself, was there a need for an answer?

Absolutely not!

Seeing Sang Jian's little expression, Ye Xingchen couldn't help but raised his hand and pinched her cheek, "Sister, you are really cute."

That's the kind, she obviously feels that she is very mature and understands everything.

She defends herself to the outside world, but when facing him, she clearly has her own ideas, but trusts him unconditionally. No matter what unreasonable demands she makes, she will agree to herself.

Even if his request conflicts with her inner thoughts, she will stand by his side first.

It was this feeling that really made Ye Xingchen's heart beat.

He could see that Sang Jian's sister was an extremely protective person.

If it wasn't for Su Ziwen's death, which made her sad, she might not be able to see him.

For a moment, Ye Xingchen suddenly thanked Su Ziwen for saying that his younger brother was a waste.

Sang Jian: "???"

Being called cute for the first time, Sang Jian was a little confused.

She subconsciously patted Ye Xingchen's hand away.

When is it Ye Xingchen's turn to pinch her face?
She has always pinched his face!
However, before Sang Jian raised his hand to fight back, the class bell rang suddenly.

Ye Xingchen smiled and said, "Sister, I'm going back to class first, and I'll come back to help you after class later."

After saying hello, he quickly disappeared into the canteen.

If you don't leave, my sister may beat him.

He saw her raise her hand!

Just pinching her face, my sister got angry.

But yes, being pinched in the face by someone who is younger than you may feel humiliating.

But he is not an outsider!
Ye Xingchen was delighted.

"..." Sang Jian looked at his back, speechless.


It was noon in a blink of an eye, and after a while, everyone went to eat, and Sang Jian and Ye Xingchen also found time to have lunch.

Sang Jian cooked all the dishes prepared by Ye Xingchen last night, and there are several dishes in the bento box, even if it is a bit cold, you can still smell the aroma.

Ye Xingchen is very satisfied. It seems that it is not bad to live this kind of life?

Sang Jian's dishes are the same as his, but there is an extra chicken leg.

There is only one in his lunch box, but Sang Jian has two in his lunch box.

Thinking of the time she told herself yesterday that she wanted to eat two chicken legs, Ye Xingchen thought about it, and suddenly sighed.

"Hey, sister, I have been under a lot of study pressure recently, and I need to replenish my body."

Sang Jian glanced at him, "If you want to grab my chicken leg, just say so."

Don't think she didn't see the look in his eyes on the drumstick.

"Is it possible?" Ye Xingchen didn't object.

Sang Jian: "..." She now feels uncomfortable when she hears Ye Xingchen ask if it's okay.

(End of this chapter)

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