Chapter 541 Deadly Live Broadcast (3)

Sang Jian nodded, "This is more exciting."

"However, sometimes IQ does matter."

Sang Jian opened his eyes, turned on his optical brain, clicked on the Kunlun live broadcast from inside, and found the person who tipped him 500 million.

"Isn't this the murderer?"

One yuan:"???"

Depend on!Still have this kind of operation?

"In the original world, our group of people are all dead, so no one investigates this person?"

Yiyuan was a little embarrassed, "No. But the information on this person is not complete! It's all virtual, so it's hard to find!"

Sang Jian was slightly disgusted, "It shows that the technology is immature. He touted high technology all day long, but he couldn't even find out the individual."

Sang Jian stared at the profile of the person who tipped him.

The profile picture is a simple black picture, and the nickname is just a letter Y.

I didn't fill in anything else, and both men and women were kept secret.

Just looking at it like this, really can't see anything.

But it's been 3033 years, and the technology of crawling along the network cable to catch people has not yet been developed!
2021 will be all right!
Why are you still living and going back!
"..." Yuan didn't dare to say too much.

Sang Jian closed Y's profile interface and returned to his live broadcast room to take a look.

She is just a newcomer who just started broadcasting, and there is only one audience in the live broadcast room, which is Y who is on the top of the list, and seems to be monitoring whether she is doing her task well.

Sang Jian clicked on the virtual keyboard, typed a line and posted it on the public chat screen.

[Boss, do you have a date?Your partner won't be angry if he knows you tipped me so much money, right? 】



No one in the studio replied to her.

Sang Jian slightly hooked his lips.

It means that this person is a registered person, and he has no time to watch her live broadcast.

Fortunately, after all, the feeling of being watched is not very good.

She kept a low profile and tried to prevent people from entering her live broadcast room.

The way they broadcast live is actually very simple. The optical brains in their hands are uniformly distributed by Kunlun Live.

Although it is worn on the hand, it can record the wearer in all directions, and broadcast all the recorded things, which can be broadcast live 24 hours without interruption.

It's like having a monitor.

Sang Jian wanted to keep a low profile, and if she didn't let herself into the live broadcast room, no one would watch her.

But others don't think so.

In the dim living room, Sang Jian saw a figure walking towards her, sat down beside her, and asked aloud, "Miss, can I kiss you?"

It's a man's voice.

Without waiting for Sangjian to answer, he said again: "I have an additional task from the benefactor, let me come and kiss you, is that okay?"

He knew it was polite to ask in advance.

But Sang Jian looked at the optical brain pretendingly, then clicked to close, and refused: "The audience in my live broadcast room told me to reject you, I'm sorry."

After speaking, he stood up and walked towards the bright place outside.


He glanced at her live broadcast room just now, he was alone, no one asked her to reject him at all!


Sang Jian directly left the living room and went outside.

The sun was already setting outside, and the yard of the entire manor looked particularly depressed and dilapidated.

No one has managed it for decades, the garden is overgrown with weeds and many places are dilapidated.

The person who re-purchased the manor, in order to preserve some evidence in the manor, did not ask someone to tidy up after the purchase.

The originally ancient and stately manor was now filled with eerie ambiguities.

In memory, Sang Jian and this group of people have been here for a day.

(End of this chapter)

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