Chapter 542 Deadly Live Broadcast (4)

So when she woke up, the original owner was tired from walking and was resting in the living room.

Counting Sang Jian, there were five people in total this time.

Three boys, two girls.

It should be Deng Yi who spoke to her just now.

This kid is the anchor of the top few mission leaderboards.

Once he becomes famous, many people are willing to give him the number of missions.

So as soon as he entered the manor, he started to do various additional tasks, and just now he did it on Sang Jian.

It's a pity that Sang Jian has no interest in helping others.

I just don't know how Deng Yi offended the people in Leman Manor back then?
Or, like her, they are responsible for what the previous generation did?
"Don't tell me, this guy is quite ruthless, the original owner died in his hands." Yi Yuan said suddenly.

"Huh?" Sang Jian raised his eyebrows.

Yiyuan continued, "I remember that you were an anchor in a world, and if you want to give rewards or something, you have to interact and chat with the audience to enliven the atmosphere!"

"He is very good at this, but he couldn't find anything later, so he directly asked the audience in his live broadcast room, who do you think is the murderer?"

"The audience thought it was you, so they asked him to kill you, the murderer."

"After he killed you, he got a lot of rewards. The amount of rewards exceeded [-] million that night."

Sang Jian: "..."

It turned out to be an enemy, no wonder she felt uncomfortable as soon as he approached.

However, there is one thing that Sang must clarify, "When I was an anchor, I never asked for a reward! I teach technology!"

Yuan: "..." Is this the point? !
"It's getting dark, I want to go back to the hotel to rest, see Tang Sang, do you want to go together?"

At this moment, a man and a woman came out not far away.

It was the girl who spoke, she looked young, she was very delicate and beautiful,
Yu sweet.

Sang Jian's name popped up in his mind.

This girl is also a veteran on the ranking list, but the ranking is not as high as Deng Yi.

And the boy next to her also looked outstanding, dressed in casual clothes, with a slight smile on his face.

Even in this environment, he looked as nonchalant as if he was visiting his own garden.

This man is called Jin Yang.

The man with the number one task list.

Sang Jian glanced at him more.

No wonder he is so calm, to be able to sit in the first position must have completed many perverted tasks.

He should be used to this situation.

"See you, Tang Sang?" Seeing that Sangjian didn't reply, Yu Tiantian called out again.

When Sang Jian was looking at Jin Yang, he couldn't help snorting coldly, "You don't want to hug your thighs too, do you? Do you come first and then come first, do you understand? I went to Brother Yang first!"

The task this time is so difficult, as long as she hugs the man who is number one on the task list, Yu Tian feels that the task is more than half completed.

Don't let Tang Sangjian snatch Jin Yang away.

Sang Jian withdrew his gaze, and said in a low voice, "I'm not interested in robbing you."

Yu Tian breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, so do you want to go to the hotel with me?"

She thought it would be more convenient for her and Sang to meet the two girls here and go to the hotel together.

Mainly because she was a little scared by herself.

It's inconvenient to ask Jin Yang to accompany him in this situation.

Before Sang Jian replied, Deng Yi rushed out from the living room, "Me! I'll go to the hotel with you to sleep! Come back tomorrow!"

Jin Yang, who had been silent all this time, also said to Sang Jian: "Let's go together, there is no prohibition in the mission not to go back to the hotel to rest at night."

Sang Jian rejected the kindness of several people, "Sorry, I want to leave here early."

So she didn't intend to let go of the night time.

Remember to vote and check in, okay~

Thank you for the rewards, everyone~
good night.

(End of this chapter)

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