Chapter 545 Deadly Live Broadcast (7)

Yan Xiu explained: "This is just a room for dolls."

Sang Jian: "I see."

She patted the ashes on her hands, turned around and walked towards Yan Xiu, huddled with him by the window, and looked out.

This perspective is very good, almost the entire front yard of the manor can be seen.

As for the backyard, it was obscured by the building beyond the living room.

Yan Xiu looked at Sang Jian beside him, and pursed his lips.

He didn't know what he thought of, and said aloud: "If you have any tasks, just tell them directly. If it's not too much, I can help you complete it."

Hearing this sentence, Sang Jian turned his head to look at him in surprise.

"Do you think I came to you because I received a reward from the gold master?"

Yan Xiu frowned, "Isn't it?"

The attitude towards people changes as soon as they say it, isn't it because they want to ask him for help?
This is what Deng Yi is like today.

When looking for someone to help with a task, he has a friendly face, but once he refuses, he changes his face.

Sang Jian raised his hand, turned on his optical brain, opened his live broadcast room, and let Yan Xiu watch it.

"No one watches my live broadcast, except..."

As Sang Jian was talking, he was a little embarrassed when he saw dozens of people suddenly appearing in his live broadcast room.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was frantically brushed up.

[Come from Deng Yi's live broadcast room, look at Sister Yong, who broke into Miemen Manor at night. 】

[Come here from Jin Yang's live broadcast room, look at Sister Yong, who broke into Miemen Manor at night. 】

[Come here from Yu Tian's live broadcast room, look at Sister Yong, who broke into Miemen Manor at night. 】

The five of them were live broadcasting the whole process. The other three were going to the hotel to rest just now. After Sang Jian refused, many fans in the other three's live broadcast room came to see Sang Jian.

After all, instead of watching the other three go to bed, it would be better to come and see Sang Jian, the woman who is going to stay at Leman Manor!
Didn't these audiences look for this excitement?

Sang Jian's mouth twitched slightly.

It seems that the wish of not wanting the audience is destined to be impossible to realize.

She wanted to turn off the optical brain with some melancholy.


[Watching the fun is not a big deal, rewarding [-] Kunlun coins to release the task, kissing Yanxiu, and getting his response. 】

Sang Jian: "???"

She still maintained the posture of showing Yan Xiu her live broadcast room, so Yan Xiu could clearly see the reward task that popped up suddenly.

Sang Jian looked up at Yan Xiu.

Yan Xiu said calmly: "This request is too much, please forgive me for not being able to help you."

Many people just like to watch this excitement, posting some embarrassing tasks for fun.

Especially kissing, going to bed and the like.

Many anchors don't care about other people's wishes, and directly force them.

If you have a good temper, just say a few words.

If you encounter someone with a bad temper, you will be easily beaten to death.

Deng Yi also came to Yan Xiu during the day and asked him if he could kiss him, but Yan Xiu also refused.

People like Deng Yi who are on the leaderboard are often unwilling to be strong.

But when Sang saw this new anchor, Yan Xiu was really not sure if she would come directly.

Sang Jian directly turned off the optical brain, ignoring this task at all.

Hearing Yan Xiu's words, she sighed softly, "Okay, a loss of 100 million."

This surprised Yan Xiu, "You have so much money to pay?"

"No." Sang Jian said honestly, "Then I will kiss you, would you like it?"

Yan Xiu refused, "I don't want to."

Sang Jian raised his eyebrows, "You don't want to, what else can I do if I don't lose money?"

Yan Xiu: "..."

It turns out that she is so easy to talk to.

At this moment, a message popped out of Yan Xiu's mind.

[Watching the fun is not a big deal, rewarding [-] Kunlun coins to release the task, kissing Tang Sang, and getting her response. 】

Yan Xiu: "..."

This man is really worthy of this nickname!

(End of this chapter)

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