Chapter 546 Deadly Live Broadcast (8)

The pleasures of the rich are often so unpretentious.

Since Yan Xiu won't let Sang see him and kiss him, then send a mission for Yan Xiu to meet Sang personally!

Sang Jian glanced at his optical brain 'inadvertently', opened his mouth and said: "This task is a bit too much, sorry I can't help you."

Yan Xiu: "."

He should have known earlier that he would have to pay it back sooner or later.

Yan Xiu silently turned off the optical brain, not looking at this annoying task, pretending nothing happened.

Sang Jian next to him imitated his tone and asked curiously, "Do you have money to pay?"

Yan Xiu: "There is no money to pay. Then I kiss you, will you agree?"

Sang Jian nodded, "If you really have no money to pay, you can!"

Yan Xiu: "???"

Their conversation just now was not like this!

While Yan Xiu was in a daze, Sang Jian raised his hand and was about to touch his neck, "Come on, do my task by the way, so you don't have to pay."

Yan Xiu grabbed Sang Jian's arm with his backhand and refused, "It's absolutely unnecessary."

Sang Jian jokingly said, "Are you so reserved? If you are so reserved and encounter such a task, wouldn't you have to pay for it?"

Yan Xiu was serious, "It's a big deal and I won't do it."

Sang Jian raised her eyebrows, "Tsk, it seems that you are not poor enough."

She withdrew her arm, turned around and walked out of the room, and changed the subject by the way, "I'm going to visit the next door, do you want to go together?"

With that question in his mouth, the person has already walked out of the room.

Yan Xiu hesitated for a moment, then glanced out of the window, and finally took a step to follow Sang Jian.

This girl is quite easy to talk to, the others have left, and there are only two of them left in such a big manor, it is indeed safer to go together.

There are three rooms on the second floor of Xiaoyang Building, one is the doll's room just now, the other is the study room, and the third is the bedroom.

Sang Jian didn't know where to take out a flashlight and went into the bedroom.

As soon as the bedroom door was pushed open, a damp and musty smell hit the face.

A mouse quickly ran past the corner and disappeared in an instant.

The furnishing in the room is messy, as if the owner got up decades ago and didn't tidy up the room and something happened.

Afterwards the police came to carry the body, and the place was never visited again.

There was a messy and moldy quilt on the bed, and some debris that fell on the ground and couldn't tell what it was.

Sang Jian's flashlight swept across the wall, and there was nothing but a few frightened big spiders hanging on a few spider webs.

"I don't even have a family portrait." Sang Jian was a little disappointed.


Yan Xiu pushed open the door of the closet next to him, and there was an unpleasant smell, and a few little mice squeaked and screeched in the corner of the closet.

The closet has become a rat's nest.

Sang Jian took a flashlight and went over to take a look. Inside were some boys' clothes, whose age was estimated to be no more than ten years old.

"It's a pity to be young." Sang Jian sighed.

With the help of Sang Jian's flashlight, Yan Xiu took out a pair of gloves from his pocket, put them on slowly, and then reached out to look through the hanging clothes in the closet.

Seeing his operation, Sang Jian couldn't help but say, "Be careful!"

It's so detailed.

Yan Xiu said calmly, "It's just a little cleanliness."

"Then why didn't you say to wear a mask for such a big ash?"

Yan Xiu paused, "You reminded me."

After speaking, he withdrew his hand, took off the gloves, and took out a disposable mask from another pocket and put it on his face.

Sang Jian: "."

(End of this chapter)

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