Chapter 549 Deadly Live Broadcast (11)

Sang Jian just made a fuss, then continued to walk out without saying anything.

At this time, the sun outside had completely set, and a few stars were twinkling in the night sky.

Sang Jian took off his mask and took a few breaths of fresh air.

The smell of weeds is everywhere in the yard, but it's better than the smell of dust and mold in the house.

Sang Jian returned to the living room of the main building just now.

I didn't use a flashlight to illuminate it before, and with the faint light, I couldn't see anything clearly.

This time, Sang Jian took a flashlight and looked around at the furnishings in the living room.

As soon as you enter the living room, there is a huge family portrait hanging on the wall on the left. It has been left for too long and it is blurry for people to see clearly.

Sang Jian put on the mask again, "Finally found a photo."

There is not even a photo of Xiaoyanglou, so I really can't find any other extra clues.

Sang Jian approached and carefully looked at the huge photo on the wall.

It's okay not to go over and take a look, but when I got closer, I realized that the face on this photo was painted over by someone with a black pen.

There are more than 30 people in the photo, and no one's face is intact.

Sang Jian: "..." looked lonely.

But fortunately, their positions in the manor can be distinguished from the positions of the photos.

The person standing in position C is naturally the owner of Leman Manor, the owner who is suing a certain official.

On the left and right sides of him, judging from his figure, stood two graceful women, who should be his wife.

Immediately after that were the children, daughter-in-law and son-in-law born by the two wives, and many of the children were still holding babies in their hands.

What caught Sang Jian's attention was one of the babies, holding a doll in his arms, which seemed to be stuffed in his arms by his parents to coax him.

From this point of view, the person who lived in the small western-style building just now 20 years ago was really a child.

After all, his parents have cultivated him to like dolls since he was a child.

Is it possible that the child is not dead?

So back again?
And deliberately gathered them together and killed them one by one?
If this is the case, it will be different from the plot given by Yiyuan.

Yiyuan said that the five of them were killing each other.

So what if... that child was among them?

The age is not right.

Looking at the clothes in the small foreign building, the child is no older than ten years old, and now more than 20 years have passed, even if he is still alive, he is still in his 30s.

The people in them are all young, and no one is over thirty.

Sang Jian stood alone in front of the family portrait and analyzed silently.

Yan Xiu beside him glanced at her from time to time, wondering when she would speak.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, Sang Jian didn't even have the intention to speak.

She really wasn't going to share her analysis with him?
Yan Xiu frowned and pursed his lips, wondering what he was thinking.

After a while, I still couldn't help asking: "What are you thinking?"

Sang Jian took a moment to glance at him, "I'm thinking about something!"

"You..." Yan Xiu moved his lips.

Sang Jian tilted his head and approached Yan Xiu, "Want to copy the answer?"

"No." Yan Xiu turned his head to one side and quickly denied it.

Sang Jian's tone was a bit unbelievable, "You look smart, can't you analyze it yourself?"

"..." It turns out that appearance can also tell whether a person is smart or not?
Before Yan Xiu could speak, Sang Jian raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, raised his eyebrows and said, "Cooperation, my sister will take you to complete this task!"

Two chapters were updated during the day, so today is gone.

Good night.

(End of this chapter)

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