Chapter 550 Deadly Live Broadcast (12)

Yan Xiu seemed to be struggling in his heart.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from outside the door, "What are you two doing?"

Sang Jian and Yan Xiu looked back at the same time, and Deng Yi, Jin Yang, and Yu Tiantian, who had come to rest at the hotel, came back with flashlights.

The person who spoke just now was Deng Yi.

Both Deng Yi and Yu Tiantian's complexions were not very good-looking, and Jin Yang always had a faint smile on his face, but he couldn't see any emotion.

"Hey! Are you back?" Sang Jian chuckled, not very surprised.

With the kind of audience who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, it's no wonder that the three of them can rest peacefully!
Sure enough, Deng Yi complained as he walked towards Sang to see them: "It's all your fault, I told you to go to rest together and you won't go!"

If all of them went to the hotel to rest, no audience would think that the three of them rested because they were not working.

They have already arrived at the hotel, and someone rewarded them to come back and continue the investigation, saying that Tang Sangjian and Yan Xiu are still in the manor, why did the three of them come back to rest?

Make it clear that they will also spend the night in the manor!

Sang Jian withdrew his gaze, continued to look at the family portrait, and said with a smile: "It's not us who brought you back. What do you mean by that, are you blaming your audience sponsors for doing something wrong?"

Deng Yi's face froze, "I didn't mean that! Don't talk nonsense when Tang Sang sees you!"

Deng Yi immediately turned on his optical brain, clicked on the live broadcast room to see the bullet screens in his live broadcast room, and sure enough some bullet screens were dissatisfied with his remarks.

"I'm sorry babies, I didn't mean that. Don't listen to her nonsense. I'm not dissatisfied with your request at all."

Deng Yi quickly stepped aside to coax the audience in his live broadcast room.

Seeing Deng Yi like this, Yu Tian, ​​who was not in a good mood just now, showed a sweet smile on his face.

She can't be like Deng Yi!

She glanced at Jin Yang again, seeing his calm face, she thought to herself: As expected of the No. [-] live broadcast brother, he has calmly dealt with any situation.

It seems that she still needs to practice expression management!
Thinking of this, she walked towards Sang Jian with a friendly smile, "What did you find out when you stayed here?"

Yan Xiu on the side frowned, thinking that Sang Jian would not tell her, right?
After all, Yu Tiantian didn't cooperate with her either.

Unexpectedly, Sang opened his mouth and said, "Someone came here a few years ago."

Yan Xiu: "???"

"How do you know?" Yu Tian looked solemn.

"Look it up!" Sang Jian glanced outside the door, "Just now there is evidence in the small mansion where little brother Yanxiu stayed, if you don't believe me, go and see for yourself."

Yan Xiu, who had been silent all this time, nodded, "What she said is true."

Yu Tiantian originally wanted to ask someone to go and see it with her, but seeing Yan Xiu also said the same, she dismissed the idea, "Then what are you doing now?"

"Look at the photo." Yan Xiu felt that this woman was stupider than himself, looking at the photo so obviously, yet still asking!
"Then do you see anything?" Yu Tian didn't think there was any problem, anyway, the five of them are together now, right?

It's okay to share information, right?

However, Yan Xiu was a little unhappy when he heard this.

He glanced at Yu Tiantian, took off the gloves on his hand, stretched out a hand to grab Sang Jian's arm, and pulled her out of the door, as if he wanted to say something.

Seeing Yan Xiu's actions, Yu Tiantian was dissatisfied and said, "It's just to share information, you won't be so stingy?"

(End of this chapter)

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