Chapter 555 Deadly Live Broadcast (17)

He told her to go to the hotel before and she didn't go, but now he said she wouldn't listen to Yu Tian's suggestion, but she did?
Isn't this just playing against him!Deliberately embarrass him!
Sang Jian glanced back at him, "What's wrong? Are you dissatisfied with your audience's choice again?"

Deng Yi's face froze, "What nonsense are you talking about? When did I say that I am not satisfied with my audience babies?"

Sang Jian was puzzled, "Then why do you have so many complaints?"

"From the moment you came back, you were full of anger towards me and brother Yanxiu, as if it was our fault that you were arranged to come back because we didn't go to the hotel together."

"You get along with us with this mentality, you are not satisfied with anything Yan Xiu and I say or do."

"This heavier than the dozens of people who died tragically in the entire manor."

What Sang Jian said made Deng Yi anxious, "Don't talk nonsense! Tang Sang Jian, why do you keep trying to provoke the relationship between me and the audience in my live broadcast room? Are you trying to poach the audience in my live broadcast room?" To your studio?"

Deng Yi immediately opened the barrage in his live broadcast room, arousing the audience again.

"Baby don't listen to her, this woman has been talking nonsense! I have no complaints against you!"

Sang Jian curled his lips, "I don't know whether you have any complaints or not. I only know that the three of you are all rewarded by the gold master to let you come back. Yanxiu and I don't have this kind of treatment."

"Since you have taken the money, can you just say a few less criticisms?"

The principle since ancient times is to use money to do things, and to criticize less.

He also took the money, so to speak, it's no wonder the audience in his live broadcast room didn't run away.

Deng Yi: "..." For a while, he didn't know what to say.

After thinking about it, Deng Yi ignored Sang Jian's words, pretended not to hear, and continued to coax the audience in the live broadcast room.

Sang Jian's eyes pointed at Yu Tian and Jin Yang again, and finally fell on Yan Xiu.

"Open the door."

Yan Xiu was wearing gloves, so this kind of work was naturally left to him.

Without saying a word, Yan Xiu stretched out his hand to grab the door handle, and opened the door.

A smell of moldy and rotten wood came over the face, Yan Xiu and Sang Jian at the door couldn't help taking a few steps back while wearing masks.

At the same time, the flashlights of several people shone into the room at the same time.


When she saw the things in the room, Yu Tian couldn't help but screamed.

The whole person directly stretched out his arms to hug Jin Yang beside him, trembling all over, not daring to look into the room again.

Deng Yi, who was coaxing the audience, couldn't help but look back when he heard the movement.

At this glance, his soul almost disappeared.

I saw a big coffin in the middle of the room, and half of the coffin was moldy and rotten.

On the head of the coffin, stood a portrait, facing the gate, the old man in the photo smiled strangely.

And the photo is not complete, half of the face has been torn off, leaving only one eye, half nose, and a mouth with a weird smile.

There seemed to be a chill in the air, and the scalp of the cold people was numb, and they couldn't help shivering.

Sang Jian gathered the clothes on his body and walked towards the room.

As soon as she took a step, Yan Xiu reached out to stop her and reminded: "Something is not normal."

Sang Jian held his wrist with his backhand and pulled him inside, "Of course it's not normal."

"These things can't be left over [-] years ago, because the police came here more than [-] years ago, it is impossible to make this place like this."

(End of this chapter)

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