Chapter 556 Deadly Live Broadcast (18)

What's more, many, many years ago, science was advocated and superstition was forbidden.

Now that science is so advanced that fully automatic machines dominate the world, basically people don't need coffins after death.

There are still people using coffins to scare people?
By the way, do these people know the use of coffins?To be frightened like this?

Thinking of this, Sang Jian asked curiously, "Do you know what this is? Are you so scared?"

Yu Tiantian is still holding Jin Yang, even if Jin Yang wants to get rid of her, her hand is about to break, she dare not let go.

Hearing what Sang Jian said, Yu Tiantian's voice trembled a little, "Aren't you talking nonsense? The coffin and the posthumous photos! Who doesn't know?"

Sang Jian raised her eyebrows, "Oh~ very good."

After so many years, the traditional burial method is still maintained, which is very good.

She thought that if it was either cremated or frozen, it would not be used at all.

"Let go, I'm going in." Jin Yang finally couldn't help but reject Yu's sweet "hug".

He didn't understand, how did this woman survive so timidly?
Look at the newcomer Sangmi who has already entered the room, looks more like a veteran, right?
He felt that as long as he gave Tang Sang some time to meet, it would not be a problem for her to become the first sister in the Kunlun live broadcasting world!
Naturally, he, as the first brother, can't lose!
But there were two oil bottles beside him.

Just now, Yu Tian was hugging alone, and when he heard that he was going in, Deng Yi couldn't help but ran over and hugged his other arm.

Jin Yang: "..."

"Brother Yang, let's go together..." Yu Tiantian and Deng Yi said together in a rare harmony.


Jin Yang really had no choice but to drag two pendants into the room.

He looked at Sang Jian and said softly, "You mean, the people who lived here later placed these things? Why did he do that?"

Sang Jian hadn't spoken yet, but Yan Xiu glanced at Jin Yang inexplicably, "Don't you think about it yourself?"

Why do you want to ask Sang Jian?
Copy the answer?
That can't work, he and Sang Jian are in the same group!

"..." Jin Yang was at a loss for words for a moment.

He himself thought of something, but wouldn't it be better to talk about this situation and analyze it with his companions?
"Brother Yang, they didn't regard the three of us as accomplices. It's useless for you to ask them."

In contrast, Deng Yi was more courageous than Yu Tiantian. He held Jin Yang's arm and dared to look at the situation in the room.

He glanced at the half-rotten coffin and continued, "That person must have done it, and he deliberately watered the coffin in order to create the illusion that the coffin had been placed for a long time."

It has to be said that Deng Yi is quite capable, and some situations can be found at a glance.

"Normally speaking, if a coffin is placed in this environment, it should be fine to keep it intact for a year or two. Moreover, most coffins have been subjected to anti-corrosion measures, so it is impossible for them to rot like this. It seems that they have been watered, and the water is It is poured from the rotten side, so that side rots faster!"

"I think so..."

Deng Yi intends to show off his IQ more. He still remembers the wall-climbing barrage he saw in Sangjian's live broadcast room just now.

Say he has no IQ?He's showing off his IQ now!

However, before he could say the next words, Sang Jian tore off a glove from Yan Xiu's hand and put it on his own.

In the next second, she reached out and clasped half of the coffin board that had been finished, and lifted the coffin board directly.

Deng Yi yelled, "What are you doing!!"

(End of this chapter)

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