Chapter 557 Deadly Live Broadcast (19)

Sang Jian replied unceremoniously: "I'm throwing up your fairy board." (Dialect, the meaning of the ancestor's coffin board.)
Deng panicked: "??? This is your fairy board!"

Yu Tiantian, who was on the side, took a sneak peek, and was so frightened that she slipped into Jin Yang's arms, "Will there be a corpse?"

Jin Yang finally couldn't bear it anymore, he pulled Yu Tian out of his arms with all his strength, and threw him into Deng Yi beside him.

Deng Yi suddenly received someone, and subconsciously let go of Jin Yang.

Jin Yang was completely free, and strode towards the coffin.

Want to see what's going on inside.

Sang Jian said: "There is no corpse, but a doll."

Inside the coffin was a broken doll with round eyes. She was called broken because half of her head was missing, leaving only one eye and one mouth.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, which was very similar to the photo in front of the coffin.

If the posthumous photos are combined, the posthumous photos will lose half of the face, and the doll will lose half of the head.

This also seems to have some kind of connection.

"This old man didn't lose half of his head when he died, did he?" Sang Jian muttered.

The death incident at the Lyman Manor had too much impact, so the relevant departments blocked all news at that time, and no one knew how they died.

Now that it is combined like this, everyone seems to understand something.

Jin Yang also pondered, "So what does this person mean?"

He didn't seem to be here to destroy the evidence, but rather to help them present relevant clues.

"Just find him and ask him what you mean." Sang Jian led Yan Xiu up and walked towards the door, "I'm sure he's still in the manor."

They came early today, and they have been active in the manor, and there are only a few of them in the manor, and they can find out if there is any trouble.

But until now that person has not moved at all, he must still be hiding somewhere.


Sang Jian and Yan Xiu went to the next room.

Pushing open the door, the flashlight swept over, and it was still the same as the previous room, with a coffin and a posthumous photo.

In the posthumous photo this time, judging by the clothes, it should be a woman.

Why look at clothes?

Because the head of the photo was torn off, leaving only half of the body.

And this time the coffin was only moldy, with a musty smell, not half rotten like the last one.

Presumably that person found that the method of pouring water to create a rotten effect was too slow, so he didn't bother to take care of the coffin.

When he lifted the coffin board, he saw that there was a headless doll inside.

This person died in such a miserable state that he lost his head.

"How much hatred does this murderer have against them?" The other three came in and saw this scene, and couldn't help feeling terrified.

Next, several people went to other rooms. In each room, there was a coffin and a posthumous photo. The posthumous photos were basically destroyed, implying how the person died.

And there will be a doll in the coffin, which restores the death method of the posthumous photo.

There are a total of more than ten rooms, some people drowned in the water, some were burnt to charcoal, some were poisoned, and even hanged.

I can't think of it at all, what kind of hatred or resentment can make someone kill dozens of people in a manor, and each person dies in a different way?

After visiting more than a dozen rooms, Yu Tiantian's legs were already weak.

She wanted to help Jin Yang, but since Jin Yang got rid of her, she has been avoiding her.

It was Deng Yi, who hated each other with her, who kept supporting her.

In the last room, Sang Jian was leaning on the coffin, tapping the edge of the coffin with his fingers, thinking about something seriously.

Yan Xiu stood beside her silently, waiting for her to finish thinking, and was the first to analyze with him.

(End of this chapter)

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