Chapter 564 Deadly Live Broadcast (26)

Sang Jian and Jin Yang entered the room.

Deng Yi wanted to follow unconvinced, but Yan Xiu stretched out his hand to stop him.

"What are you doing? I really don't understand what benefit that woman gave you? You listen to her like that?" Deng was half-dead in anger.

"Are you two suspicious of me? Otherwise, why do you have to exclude me from this kind of thing?"

He could tell that Yan Xiu and Sang Jian must be suspicious of him.

Otherwise, why didn't you take him in to have a look?
Yan Xiu didn't speak, but stood in front of Deng Yi silently.

Deng Yi felt that he was very boring, so he couldn't help but say a few more words.

"We just met today. Could it be that you have fallen in love with her? Listen to her everywhere! You are not No.1 in the dog licking competition, there is a shady scene!"

Deng Yi seemed to have found an outlet, he didn't want to go into the room anymore, but instead relied on Yan Xiu's reluctance to speak, he kept attacking Sang Jian and Yan Xiu with words.


Jin Yang and Sang Jian in the room managed to see the scene in the bathroom.

The room they entered now belonged to the drowned man.

When the red light in the restroom came on, the water in the toilet also filled up.

The man's head was stuffed into a water-filled toilet and suffocated to death.

There was only that one man in the projection, indicating that no one else killed him.

Either by accident, or by suicide.

Jin Yang was shocked when he saw this scene.

As long as you turn off the live broadcast, can you really see these things?
Jin Yang couldn't help looking sideways at Sang Jian.

Sensing his gaze, Sang Jian said: "I didn't lie to you, the drowned man was the one who killed the man next door."

"They killed each other and killed themselves, it's true."

"So the murderer is not who, but themselves. As for why they became like this, it remains to be investigated."

While speaking, Sang Jian opened his live broadcast room and left the room first.

Jin Yang thought about what Sang Jian said, and then followed him out.

As soon as they came out, Deng Yi, who had been acting weird all the time, still didn't stop, he said sarcastically, "Did you go in and see?"

He didn't believe it was really his problem!
He and Jin Yang can't see it when they go in, but Jin Yang and Sang Jian can see it when they go in?
Although Deng Yi didn't believe it when he said it, the fact is that they really saw it.

Jin Yang who just came out heard Deng Yi's words and nodded, "I see, I'm going to take a look in other rooms, Tang Sang sees you want to go together?"

Jin Yang took the initiative to extend the invitation.

Yan Xiu, who hadn't opened his mouth all this time, frowned and said, "It's enough to know about it, there's no need for someone to accompany you to see it all the time."

Jin Yang seriously retorted: "No, you have to read all the rooms before you can know the order of their deaths. If you know who was the first to do it first, then things will be much easier."

They can check it out from the first person to do it.

Otherwise, it will continue like this, with no clue or progress.

Sang Jian nodded in agreement with Jin Yang's words.


"I won't go today, I'm going upstairs to rest." Her daily schedule told her that it was time to go to bed.

Jin Yang: "?"

"Didn't you say you don't want to waste time?" Why do you suddenly want to sleep?

Sang Jian said solemnly: "Sleeping is not a waste of time, it is storing energy!"

As Sang Jian said, he stretched out his hand to pull Yan Xiu, and led him upstairs, not forgetting to turn around and tell Jin Yang,
"If you want to continue, you can go first by yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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