Chapter 565 Deadly Live Broadcast (27)

Jin Yang pursed his lips.

Seeing that Sang Jian really pulled Yan Xiu upstairs, he finally raised his legs to follow them.

In contrast, I feel that if they meet with Tang Sang, they can talk about a lot of things.

Deng Yi followed behind Jin Yang, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Yang, you're starting to think that this woman is reliable too? Why do you listen to her too?"

"The two of us can try it!"

Jin Yang glanced at Deng Yi, then shook his head, "The two of us can't light up."

I've already tried it once, even if I think it's not because of Deng Yi that he and Deng Yi can't see the holographic projection when entering the room, but Jin Yang won't waste time with Deng Yi to try again.

"Okay! You don't want to see me anymore, do you?"

Deng turned around angrily and walked back, "I'll try it myself! I don't believe it's really my fault!"

After speaking, Deng Yi was going to try other rooms, but when he passed by the room just now and saw Yu Tian's body at the door, he couldn't help shivering.

no!He can't act alone, there is a murderer in this manor!

Deng Yi was so frightened that he turned around and ran towards Jin Yang, and immediately hugged Jin Yang's arm, "Brother Yang, I think you're right! It's safe to follow them, we can't be separated!"

It's all over!
Jin Yang cast a disgusted glance at him, and pushed his hand away, "Just leave if you want to, don't touch me."

Deng Yi honestly let go of his hand and followed Jin Yang.


Sang Jian and Yan Xiu went back to the grocery room to rest, while Jin Yang and Deng Yi were in the grocery room next door.

At this moment, Sang Jian was sitting on the paper shell, with his back against the wall, without turning on the flashlight, and the windows of the room were covered by creepers, so there was no light at all, let alone her expression.

Yan Xiu beside him moved in the dark to the side of Sang Jian.

In the darkness, Sang Jian suddenly asked inexplicably, "What are you going to do after this task is finished? Do you want to take a rest, or continue with the next task?"

Although these anchors make money by taking on tasks, they don't do it all the time.

As long as the live broadcast is turned off after this task is completed, and the next time is not opened for the time being, then they can rest during that period of time.

Yan Xiu was silent for a while, then said in a low voice, "I haven't made up my mind yet, what about you?"

"Me?" Sang Jian said: "After completing this task, there will be a sum of funds. With this fund, you can do other things."

The original owner chose to broadcast live only when he had nowhere to go, but he didn't expect to die the first time he broadcast live.

So after Sang Jian decided to go out from here, he changed careers.

Anyway, it is a risk to come here to make a sum of money, and then leave.

Yan Xiu nodded, but he couldn't see it in the dark, "That's fine, this business is a bit dangerous."

"It's really dangerous, and it's easy to die if you're not careful." Speaking of this, Sang Jian thought of Yu Tiantian downstairs, "Tsk, what a pity."

They have all rushed to the top of the task list, and they will die in this situation.

She thought that the top ten people on the task list had all gone through the test of life and death, and they would be very cautious in doing things.

But Yu Tian let her down.

It's not worth it to die in the end because of fear of being separated from the crowd.

Yan Xiu didn't speak, he didn't feel anything about Yu Tian's death.

In the darkness, Sang Jian yawned, she changed the subject, and asked Yan Xiu softly, "Can you lend me a shoulder?"

(End of this chapter)

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