Chapter 592 Sang and Quan (5)

Sang Jian froze for a moment when he heard his voice.

In the past, Yiyuan used a processed mechanical voice to communicate with her, but this time it was a gentle and deep male voice.

It seemed to be his real voice.

Sang Jian was silent for a second, then said: "Let's use a mechanical voice, I feel that you are very reliable with your voice, I can't have this illusion about you."

Baili Yiyuan: "."

Where is he unreliable?
"Cough" he coughed lightly, cleared his throat and said, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Baili Yiyuan now, and I am the maker of the story. Being able to bring such a reliable story to you shows that I am also A very reliable person!"

Sang Jian: "I don't know if you've heard a saying, the more people have nothing, the more they like to emphasize something."

Baili Yiyuan: "."

He quickly changed the subject, "Okay, then let's not talk about this."

"You have been targeted by the Space-Time Administration."

"The last world was an experiment they conducted. No one thought that you would die and escape directly."

Sang Jian hummed lightly, "Why are they staring at me?"

"I don't know yet, but our behavior is considered an illegal fast travel mission on their side, so you have to be careful in the future."

Sang Jian nodded, "Indeed, I was almost cheated."

"What?" This made Baili Yiyuan a little curious, who else could fool her?
"They created a person whose behavior is 90.00% similar to Quan Gu." Sang Jian said, "Didn't you also treat him as Quan Gu?"


Baili Yiyuan was silent.

He silently turned his head and glanced at Xiao Sangjian who had just returned from Quan Gu's hand in the glass cover.

Asked tentatively: "You don't think that he came back early because he didn't have a right?"


This time it was Sang Jian's turn to be silent.

What do you mean?
Is he right?

Sang Jian's silence proves that Baili Yiyuan's conjecture is true.

She really thought that was not a reason!

Baili Yiyuan sighed, "Before I asked you to do the task, I found out all the small worlds where the scattered data is. So if I say he is, he must be!"

He thought that Sang Jian came back early because he found out that he was being watched.

She didn't expect that she didn't care if she was targeted, she only cared about whether that person was right or not!

For a moment, he didn't know whether it was good or bad to say that she only had power in her eyes.

Sang Jian: "But, I tested him, and it's not the same as Quan."

In the middle of speaking, Sang Jian suddenly realized something, and felt a sense of awakening.

Since that world was used by the Space-Time Administration to test her, then Yan Xiu was not on her side, but the Space-Time Administration.

So he won't favor her unconditionally, because that piece of data is no longer scattered wild data, but data with a new owner.

As soon as Sang Jian thought of this, Baili Yiyuan explained: "Actually, I only knew about it not long ago."

"Didn't I just say that I found all the small worlds with scattered data. But after checking, I found that there is still a piece of data missing."

"I thought you'd collect the other data first. I'm checking the last paragraph while you're on the mission, but there's been no clues."

"It wasn't until the last world that my contact with you was suddenly cut off that I realized that that world was abnormal. After the connection was cut off, there were only a handful of plots I knew. This is not a normal world at all!"

"And the only one who can intervene with us is the Space-Time Administration through regular channels."

"After cutting off contact with you, I immediately investigated the Space-Time Administration."

"Found the last piece of data, in the Space-Time Administration."

Unexpectedly, there is a reversal!
Speaking of 1v1, it must be, I am not a hundred miles, so unreliable.乛乛
Good night.

(End of this chapter)

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