Chapter 593 Sang and Quan (6)

Sang Jian raised his hand and pinched the center of his brows, for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Baili Yiyuan said again: "It's normal for you to think that he is not a power."

"That piece of data is not the same as the one you have come into contact with now. I checked the trajectory of the scattered data at the beginning, and the rest are left to fate, only that section went to the Space-Time Administration by myself."

"It seems that the traversal machine on my side is unreliable. It wanted to go to the official channel to find you, but was intercepted by the Space-Time Administration."

"So its character might be a little...weird."

Will be more paranoid, and will not give up until the goal is achieved.

It is completely different from the data that Sang Jian has come into contact with, because the data that Sang Jian changed his purpose with a glance.

Judging from the fact that other data are resigned to fate, it is the only one who is unconvinced and has to go to the Space-Time Administration for a try, but was detained. From this point of view, we can know its general character.

Now it's all right, not only didn't see Sang Jian, but even forgot her, and became a lackey of the Space-Time Management Bureau!
"Tsk, if I don't come back early from the last world, but continue to conquer him, will it come back with me?" Sang Jian felt a little headache.

"Of course, you don't know yet, do you? The doll you gave him has now become the soul-inducing baby who brought him home."

As long as Xiao Sangjian returns to Quan Gu's hands, he will basically bring back a piece of data belonging to Quan Gu, but it is a pity that Xiao Sang Jian came back by himself in the last world.

If she hadn't come back early from the last world, or even brought back that abnormal data strategy, then they basically wouldn't have dealt with the people from the Space-Time Administration.

Now I don't know if the Space-Time Administration will do anything wrong.

But this time Sang Jian already knew, so next time, he will definitely bring back that abnormal data.

"That's right." Baili Yiyuan suddenly seemed to remember something, and asked, "You said you tested him? How did you do it?"

Sang Jian remembered the events of the previous world, and said casually, "I kissed him."

"Ho Ho Ho!" Baili Yiyuan became energetic in an instant, and his voice could no longer be gentle.

"You dare to kiss him when you are not sure if it is him! You are betraying!"

"He kissed me, and at that time I was still hoping."

As a result, after testing it out, I found that he was completely different from the one I came into contact with, and it still affected my mood to some extent.

So in the end she chose to set herself on fire and sterilize at high temperature to prove her innocence!
But for a long time, he is the reason!
Baili Yiyuan snorted softly, "Remember to trust me next time, so you don't have to be so entangled in your heart."

Sang Jian lost his silence.

After a while, she asked seriously: "So, does he really understand feelings?"

After all, Quangu is an artificial human. This kind of thing usually only has programmed thoughts. She has been hesitant about the fact that he would like her.

She didn't dare to put all her mind on him, she was afraid that one day when he came back, he would be just a cold artificial man.

She was afraid that in the end, his feelings for her in the small world were all fake.

She didn't dare to let herself fall too deep, because she couldn't accept that after she fell in love, the person who greeted her didn't love her.

The reason why Sang Jian is very confident about Quan Gu's feelings in the small world is because he knows that in the small world, he is no longer a cold artificial human, but a real person with flesh and blood.

She believes that after he has real feelings, he will love her.

It's a pity that he is not a real person in real life, nor does he have real feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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