Chapter 594 Sang and Quan (7)

Sometimes Sang Jian also feels that he is crazy, and he actually falls in love with an artificial human.

Isn't what people fear most is not getting a response after giving?

He and she can be very happy in the small world, but what about outside the small world?
They will not always live in a small world, and sooner or later they will have to face that day.

Sang Jian's words made Baili Yiyuan silent.

I don't know how long it took before he said softly, "All artificial humans have no emotions. Even if there are, they are programmed to make him appear to have emotions on purpose. They are all fake and used to deceive people."

"I'll be honest, he has no emotions, even though he's been called the most perfect piece of art on our planet."

"As a maker, I naturally know that his biggest shortcoming is that he cannot integrate into human emotions, so I always feel that he is not the most perfect, and I have been trying to solve it."

"Until later, your mental power accidentally connected with his brainwaves."

"Do you know why I didn't stop him from contacting you? Because I think the time when he contacts you is the closest to perfection."

That's when he's most emotional.

"I know what you're worried about. You're afraid that when he comes back, he'll just be a ruthless artificial man who will break your fantasy."

"But do you know why I asked you to bring him back? I think you can teach him all the emotions in the small world."

Otherwise, from the very beginning, wouldn't it be faster for him to travel by himself to bring the power back?
Why bother to contact Sangjian?

Facts have also proved that things in the small world are no different from normal people.

"Let me tell you clearly, I'm not sure whether he will just pile up data when he comes back in the end. So, it depends on whether you want to take a gamble or not."

If there is still no emotion in the end, then Sang Jian's success will fall short.

If he has feelings, then he will be the most perfect work of art in the true sense.

Sang Jian hadn't asked this question before, and Baili Yiyuan hadn't told her about it, he was afraid that Sang Jian wouldn't want to gamble if he found out.

But out of selfishness, he still wanted her to go.

He felt that Quan Gu thought so too.

There are many things, how will you know if you don’t try?
Although he didn't have a reason for Sang Jian to gamble.

Sang Jian never replied.

The quieter she was, the more anxious Baili Yiyuan became. She really didn't want to go, did she?

After a while, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly said: "I remember when you were very young, I told him that you were admitted to a mental hospital, and you were restricted before you even saw the flowers and plants in the outside world. free, right?"

"The yard of my research institute is full of flowers he carefully planted and cared for. He said that one day he will definitely bring you to see it."

Sang Jian: "." She had a vague impression of this incident.

Later, when she came to him for a while, he would always say that he was busy, and only after asking did he find out that he was watering the flowers.

Sang Jian who was lying on the bed suddenly smiled, "Are you so afraid that I will give up on him? You told me all the surprises he prepared for me."

Baili Yiyuan: "."

Has been silent, who knows what she thinks?
"Take me to the next world."

There was a slight smile on the corner of Sang Jian's mouth.

"I've bet my whole life with him. I bet that he would come to see me desperately because of my words. He loves me."

Sang Jian never did anything he was not sure of, and it was the first time he was so willful.

After all, there is only one such a good story, if you miss it, you will lose it.

Baili Yiyuan breathed a sigh of relief, "He won't let you down."

(End of this chapter)

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