Chapter 595 The Marshal's Ninth Wife (1)

As soon as Sang Jian regained consciousness, he heard a shout from the side, "Send it to the bridal chamber!"

All she could see was a red hijab, holding a piece of red silk in her hand, and the person on the other side stretched out her hand and pulled it.

Just arrived in this world, Sang Jian stood still and silently followed the people on the other side.

At the same time, Sang Jian heard a familiar mechanical sound in his mind.

"It's a right to marry you, so don't panic, just keep going."

Sang Jian felt somewhat relieved, "This voice still sounds comfortable."

One Yuan: "??? Let me introduce, I am now One Yuan."

"Yeah, it's all the same, listen to this voice, I don't need to listen to you."

Sang Jian is perfunctory.

His original voice doesn't fit his unreliable personality at all, it's better to listen to this mechanical voice.

Yuan: "...please respect me! I'm just a system!"

Although she doesn't know where she is unreliable, but since she thinks so, then he will definitely not admit that Baili Yiyuan is his!
"I respect you very much. I haven't heard your voice for a long time. I miss you, baby."

One Yuan: "." No need!
Yiyuan snorted coldly, when she was about to introduce the plot to her.

The door of the room was pushed open, and Sang Jian was brought into the room.

Through the gap under the red hijab, Sang Jian could see some furnishings in the room.

It doesn't look like ancient times, but the room looks like an ancient European style.

It seems that only a Chinese wedding was held, not in ancient times.

Sang Jian just sat down on the side of the bed, a bronze-colored, slender hand with thin calluses directly lifted the hijab on her head.

As soon as the hijab was lifted, one could see a face with sharp edges and corners, and an unusually stern face.

He bent down and put his face in front of Sang Jian, and looked at her seriously, those dark and deep eyes seemed to want to stare Sang Jian out of a hole.

With short, clean hair and bronze-colored skin, his whole body is full of masculinity.

He was so close that Sang Jian couldn't help but blow into his dark eyes.

"Husband, a spring night is worth a thousand gold~"

Sang Jian wanted to tease him, but when she opened her mouth, she realized that her voice was as sweet as a yellow warbler, very sweet and soft.

Women will be moved when they hear it, let alone men.

The combination of verbal teasing and this kind of voice, no man can hold it.

But Huonanting in front of Sangjian just blinked his eyes, as if his eyes were a little dry from her breath.

He stood up straight, only then did Sang Jian realize how petite he was in front of him.

I'm afraid it's 1.9 meters?

Huo Nanting looked at his newly married young wife, feeling nothing in his heart.

It's not that her teasing is useless, it's just that she is too young.

"Ma'am, thinking about doing this kind of thing at the age of 13 is not good for your health."

Sang Jian: "???" Thirteen? !

So her voice is sweet and soft, just because she is young? ?
"You have a good rest."

Huo Nanting dropped these words, turned around and prepared to leave.

Sang Jian stood up and grabbed his arm, "Husband, don't go, I'm a little scared to sleep alone."

Now that he knew he was the victim, Sang Jian had no reason to let him go to sleep alone!
Huo Nanting: "."

"It's really scary for me to leave home for the first time and come to an unfamiliar environment."

Since it's a little girl, it's okay for her to say that, right?

Sure enough, Huo Nanting turned around when he heard this, and looked at Sang Jian again.

He stared blankly for a while, then suddenly hooked his lips, "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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