Chapter 642 The Marshal's Ninth Wife (48)

When they returned to the training ground, someone had already prepared a scarecrow and a pistol.

Feng Tuo stood 30 meters away in a standard posture, cleaning the gun in his hand.

On the opposite side of the scarecrow's head is an icon made of ten concentric circles, pretending to be a real target.

"Little sister, it's not that I'm bullying you. It's that the pistol can only shoot about 50 meters away, so it's so close to the target. If it's a rifle, I can hit the bull's-eye even further away!"

"You may not know who you are competing with now! When you get home later, ask Nan Ting about my deeds!"

Sang Jian put his finger in the trigger ring and played with the pistol leisurely. Hearing this, he felt a little funny.

"Just now, I didn't say harsh words to scare me. Now that I've reached this level, the commander-in-chief said such things because he made up his mind to embarrass me."

"If I had said it earlier, I might have given up."

Feng Tuo squinted at her, "It's not too late for you to admit defeat now."

"It can't be done now, the props are all ready, and I have to try it anyway."

Sang Jian stopped turning the pistol, gripped the gun tightly, and raised it to be level with the scarecrow opposite.

"So, can we start?"

"Of course." Feng Tuo felt that she didn't know good from bad.

As soon as the words fell, Sang saw that a shot had already been fired.

The shot was fired very casually, Feng Tuo frowned, and then thought that she probably knew she couldn't compare to him, so he just shot casually.

Thinking of this, he stretched his brows, counting her as acquainted!
Since this is the case, then he also intends to save some face for the little girl and shoot casually first.

As soon as this idea came up, the person checking the score on the opposite side shouted loudly: "It hits the red heart!"

The four words made Feng Tuo slip his hand, and the bullet flew out before he was ready.

He froze for a moment, then glared at Sang Jian beside him.

Sang Jian shrugged at him, "Your eyes are fine, there's nothing I can do about it."

Feng Tuo: "..."

The referee on the opposite side: "Seven rings!"

Feng Tuo shook his hand and hit seven rings.

He couldn't hold back his expression now.

Sang Jian comforted at the side, "The commander-in-chief is indeed old, and his eyesight is a bit dim."

Feng Tuo: "..."

"Go on!" He said with a dark face.

Sang Jian nodded, "It's getting late, the commander-in-chief's home is a bit far away, so let's go back earlier."

After Sang Jian said this, he fired four shots at the red heart on the opposite side.

Five rounds will determine the outcome, and Sang Jian can be regarded as the end of the game.

She handed the gun to the person next to her, retreated to Huo Nanting, and waited for Feng Tuo.

Feng Tuo frowned, looking serious, aiming at the opposite side.

But this time he was just aiming, and didn't intend to shoot. He wanted to see what level Sang Jian's four shots were.

As soon as Sang Jian came to Huo Nanting's side, he heard Huo Nanting whisper: "He has some abilities, don't take it lightly."

Sang Jian immediately hugged his arm, leaned on his body, and acted like a baby in a low voice, "But what should he do if he has already lost? Will he say later that I don't respect the old and love the young? I'm so scared."

Huo Nanting was a little helpless, "How can you be sure that he lost?"

Sang Jian raised his head and said with a smile: "Because he slipped the first shot, even if all the next four shots are all hearts, he can't beat me. What's more, he may not be able to hit all of them."

Seeing Sang's confident appearance, Huo Nanting was slightly taken aback.

He really likes the way she looks confident and flamboyant.

Obviously she had thought of the consequences, but she still did it recklessly, because she was not afraid of anything.

Even if you say you are afraid.But his eyes were full of a look of watching a good show.

It's a little rascal.

  Thank you for your votes~
(End of this chapter)

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