Chapter 643 The Marshal's Ninth Wife (49)

Sure enough, everything went as Sang Jian expected, Feng Tuo's next four shots, three shots of hearts, and one shot of 9.8, almost hit hearts.

When Feng Tuo heard this result, his face turned green.

All the hearts of Sang Jian had left him with no way out. He originally thought that if he also hit all of them this time, he could find an excuse to say that he was not prepared to be scared in the first shot, and he could make another shot.

But now, what qualifications does he have to say?

One shot is to be scared, what about the two shots?

Feng Tuo casually threw the gun to the people beside him. How much he cherished it before, but now he loathes it.

He looked at Sang Jian with a dark face, without saying a word.

Sang Jian let go of Huo Nanting, comforting him with a smile.

"It's a pity, but the commander-in-chief can still have such achievements at this age, it's not considered old-fashioned, and he can shoot a single person on the battlefield!"

Feng Tuo: "..."

Not happy at all.

He glared at Sang Jian, and asked Huo Nanting angrily, "You taught?"

Huo Nanting wanted to say that Sang Jian was smart, but Sang Jian responded directly: "That's right! The commander-in-chief should know how powerful Young Marshal Huo is, otherwise you wouldn't have promoted him to this position, would you?"


When she said that, Feng Tuo's complexion improved a little.

Indeed, he has never lost to anyone except Huo Nanting for so many years. Everyone in the army knows how powerful Huo Nanting is. If she was taught by Huo Nanting, then it wouldn't be too embarrassing for him to lose?
Thinking of this in his heart, Feng Tuo snorted coldly, shook his hands and left, "Hmph, I can't take care of this matter, let's go!"

Leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible, so as not to lose people!
The people under Feng Tuo were stunned for a moment when they saw him leaving so simply.

They complained for a long time, finally invited him, and just left?

"No delivery."

When Feng Tuo was passing by Huo Nanting, when he heard these two words suddenly, he became even more angry.

"I came here by car, you don't need to send it!"

He quickened his pace and left quickly without looking back.

I'm so angry!

As soon as Feng Tuo left, the rest of the army looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to vent their anger.

"Then let's settle the score now."

Huo Nanting patted Sang Jian's head and said in a low voice, "Go back to the office first."

Those eyeliners in the team don't give some punishment, they don't know who is the master.

Sang Jian blinked, "Can't I stay and see?"

Huo Nanting raised his eyebrows, "You want to be punished too?"

"...No." Hearing the word "punishment", Sang Jian tidied up his clothes and walked towards the office in a leisurely manner.

It was as if the person who competed just now was not her, she was just a passing beautiful girl who had never done anything.

As soon as Sang Jian left, Huo Nanting immediately returned to his cold appearance.

The others shuddered.

Huo Nanting looked at the man who had competed with Sang Jian in horsemanship before.

That guy was so excited...


Sang Jian waited until Huo Nanting came back, it was already evening, and he came to pick her up.

As for how he settled accounts with those people, Sang Jian didn't know, only that when he came to the army the next day, there were few people in the army who usually showed courteousness in front of Huo Nanting.

"Did you drive them out of the army?" Sang Jian asked curiously.

"It's not a substantive mistake. They won't be kicked out of the team. They're just punished for talking too much." Huo Nanting replied.

It can be seen that those eyeliners have to peel off their skin even if they don't die.

(End of this chapter)

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