Chapter 669 The Marshal's Ninth Wife (75)

Not long after passing Paramount, a fork in an alley appeared ahead.

Sang Jian gently moved Huo Nanting's arm, "Go to that alley."

She motioned to Huonanting.

Huo Nanting's eyes dimmed, and he nodded slightly, "En."

This is the place where the war just ended, there is no one in the alley, and the other side of the alley does not know where it leads.

Sang Jian stopped in the alley, "Right here, Mr. Huo, I can't walk anymore, can you carry me away?"

She felt Huo Nanting's body stiff for a moment.

He suddenly took his hands out of his pockets, pressed Sang Jian to the wall next to him, bowed his head and kissed her.

This kiss was so menacing that Sang Jian was not ready for it.

But he quickly reacted, actively hooked his neck, and responded to him with heart.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a smell of blood, and Sang Jian tasted a drop of salty taste in his mouth.

She slowly opened her eyes, Huo Nanting's eyes were flushed, and there was a trace of tears on his angular face.

Seeing his neck leaning back, Sang let go of him, and said amusedly, "Why are you crying? Don't act like your dead wife, okay?"

After speaking, he blinked his eyes, seeming to realize that it was wrong to say so.

"Ah, sorry, it seems that you are really going to kill your wife."

There was a dagger stuck in Sang Jian's chest, and Huo Nanting's hand was still tightly placed on the dagger.

Blood stained the peach blossoms on a large cheongsam.

Sang Jian looked down, "It's the first time I've seen such a red peach blossom."

Huonanting put his head between her necks and remained silent.

This result was doomed from the start.

She knew it, so she chose this alley.

Because the first time he sent people to chase her down, those people came out of this alley.

It didn't work the first time, so try again this time, right?
This time he did it himself.

"Mr. Huo, you really don't plan to say anything? The position you stabbed is a good place, and I can hold on for at most a minute." Sang Jian's breathing became somewhat rapid.

The dagger happened to be stuck in her heart, and now her scalp was numb due to the pain when she took a breath.

At this time, Huo Nanting's hands holding Sang Jian were trembling, and his whole body was cold, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

He opened his mouth, but there seemed to be no sound coming out of his throat.

In the end, I forcibly choked out a sentence, "I'm sorry... When you can't hide your love, you can only deal with the person who makes me fall in love."

The voice was hoarse and dry, extremely unpleasant.

Sang Jian reached out and hugged him back, breathing weakly, "You don't need to explain anything, I understand everything."

"You... live well."

Xu Shi noticed that Sang Jian's breath was getting lower and lower, and Huo Nanting suddenly looked up at her, eager to ask something.

It's a pity that I opened my mouth but found that I couldn't make a sound.

In the end, seeing Sang Jian lying in his arms, he still couldn't say a word.

I have always heard that when people are extremely sad, their bodies will suddenly have various symptoms.

He didn't expect this kind of thing to happen to him one day.

He hasn't asked yet if she will really wait for him.

He had asked Sang Jian this sentence countless times, and Sang Jian's answer was without hesitation, which gave him enough comfort.

However, when this time came, he would still feel flustered.

I am afraid that I have done something wrong, and that she will never wait for me again.

Sang saw the blood on her chest, staining a large area of ​​her clothes red.

Huo Nanting's eyes were bloodshot, and he tried hard not to show any sad expression.

(End of this chapter)

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