Chapter 670 The Young Marshal's Ninth Wife (End)

Huo Nanting took off the windbreaker he was wearing outside, wrapped up Sang Jian's body so tightly that only his head was exposed, then picked her up and left the alley.

The tacit understanding between the two of them never needs to be said.

With just one look, she knew what she was going to do, and then cooperated with her with all her strength.

Even for this kind of thing, she didn't hesitate.

Since she can't walk anymore, let's take her home.

This is their usual daily routine.

Huo Nanting walked aimlessly on the street.

But, home?

It has long since ceased to exist in the war, so where is home now?

It was just a temporary residence.

"I knew you were a vicious person!"

Suddenly Shao Yu's voice came from behind.

After he left, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. He still didn't want Sang Jian to be hurt, so he came back to look, and saw this scene unexpectedly!
"What did you do to her?"

Shao Yu quickly ran up to him and stopped him.

He thought Huo Nanting was holding Sang Jian, but when he saw the face of the man in his arms, Shao Yu was stunned.

"Who are you hugging? Where is Sang Jian?"

Hearing this, Huo Nanting finally moved a little, and he glanced at the person in his arms out of the corner of his eye.

This time, the person did not disappear directly like the others, but changed his appearance.

Sang saw that fair and beautiful face that could never be tanned no longer existed, what was left was only a somewhat healthy tanned woman's face with decent looks.


Huo Nanting suddenly laughed.

The person in his arms was not her from beginning to end.

This body obviously looks like this, so why did it turn into Sang Jian's appearance?
Too many conspiracies and doubts flashed deep in his heart.

Huo Nanting bypassed Shao Yu's body and continued to walk forward.

Shao Yu chased after him again, "I ask you, where is Sang Jian?"

Huo Nanting wrapped Meng Sangjian's body with a coat, Shao Yu didn't see any clothes, and had no idea that the person in his arms was.

What's more, Shao Yu wouldn't believe the bizarre thing about changing his face after death.

Huo Nanting didn't explain.

He stopped suddenly, took out an envelope from his coat pocket, and handed it to Shao Yu.

His hands were covered with blood, Shao Yu was startled.

"What do you want to say?" Shao Yu reached out to take the letter.

Huo Nanting still didn't speak, and walked away.

He can't speak now, nor is he in the mood to speak.

Shao Yu frowned, opened the envelope and took a look.

It turned out that this letter was for Feng Tuo!

The direction Huo Nanting left is also the direction of leaving the city.

"You don't want me to deliver the letter for you, do you? Hey, let me tell you... Although I don't like seeing you, don't want to see me, but go find her!"

For some reason, Shao Yu yelled out the last sentence.

Unfortunately, there is still no response.

See you with Sang?
As long as he can find it.

Shao Yu only felt that Huo Nanting was very strange.

But in the next second, he really took Huo Nanting's letter, turned around and went to see Sang Jian.


Later, Shao Yu searched all over the capital but couldn't find Sang Jian.

Shao Yu also sent Huo Nanting's letter to Feng Tuo.

Feng Tuo thought of his excellent performance in this war and wanted to recruit him.

Shao Yu thought that only by entering the army could he continue to see Huo Nanting in the future, so he agreed.

But what he didn't expect was that he only read the beginning of the letter and knew it was for Feng Tuo.

In the latter part of the letter, Huo Nanting told Feng Tuo that he was going to support other areas, so there was no need to look for him.

In other words, he has left Kyoto.

Shao Yu still didn't understand where Sang Jian had gone, and who was the dead man Huo Nanting was holding in his arms.


Soon, Huo Nanting went to the place where his mother Huo Qing was and told her not to worry about herself, and then went on to join the war.

After finishing one place, go to the next place non-stop.

Just keep yourself busy so you don't think about other things.

He really wanted to die in the war, but every time he remembered that Sang Jian told him to live well before he died, he could only rely on continuous killing to cover up the emotion in his heart that resisted living alone.

Finally, after 50 years, Huo Nanting could no longer hold his breath.

He thought... In this way, her mission will be completed, right?
【The end of the eighth world】

The handsome author appears again!I wonder if you understand the world?
You should understand, right?Hmm... I won't go into too much detail, because it's easy to spoil if I say too much.

The old eight is over, and the old nine will be opened tomorrow!

good night
(End of this chapter)

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