Chapter 941 The Princess and the Reborn Knight (18)

Don't look at the little princess's baby fat face, she looks fleshy everywhere, but she doesn't weigh much on her back.

But...Before this, due to long-term malnutrition, Losan was very thin and had little strength.

It took a lot of strength to carry her back to the castle that was close at hand, especially when going up the stairs on the second floor in the castle.

Sang Jian could clearly feel Luo Si'an trembling beneath him.


Sang Jian sighed again and again, "Knight Losan, you are really weak."

"..." I really want to throw her off my back!
He thought that the spoiled little princess was going to insult him again, but who knew that she was lying next to his ear and whispered, "You should eat more in the future, this princess will definitely raise you up white and fat, don't worry !"

"...Hmm." I didn't know what to say.


Sang Jian kept his promise, the lunch was very rich, and Sang Jian left all the meat to Luo Si'an.

He only eats the vegetables he feeds himself, and does not eat any other meat.

"All the meat is left to you, you need to grow up, Rothian knight." She said in a childish voice.

"It's not a bad meal." Losan pursed his lips.

"Huh? You fainted from starvation because of lack of food, but now you feel that this meal is not bad?" Sang Jian still had his food wrapped in his mouth.

"You are indeed not short of this meal, you are short of several meals! Anyway, you finish it for me, don't let it go to waste!"

Los Ann: "..."

Who was he starving and fainting before?
It's not because she doesn't allow herself to eat!
Now pretending to care about him so much, hypocritical brat!
But after feeding Sang Jian, he honestly ate them all.

"Knight Roseanne, take a bath for me, I want to take a nap."

Luo Si'an had just finished eating when she heard Sang Jian yawning on the sofa.

He frowned slightly, and there was a hint of disapproval in his immature voice, "You've slept all morning, so it's not suitable for you to sleep again."

There were only two classes in one morning, and she was asleep during the two classes, and she was sleepy again after eating?

It is said that children of this age are very energetic, why does he feel that the little princess is like a domestic pig?
"Do you have nothing to do in the afternoon..." Sang Jian lay lazily on the sofa, his eyes stained with physiological tears due to yawning.

It looks pathetic.

"We can find something to do." Losan suggested.

After I finished speaking, I realized that I was being stupid.

Why should she care if sleeping more is good for her health?

Sleeping to death can prevent him from doing it, right?

Luosian spurned herself in her heart, while secretly watching Sangjian's reaction.

Sang Jian sat up from the sofa, her big moist eyes were shining, as if emitting some kind of light, and there was a bright smile on her face.

"Can we really find something to do? Did you go to the swordsmanship school today? I want to watch you practice swords!"

Los Ann: "..."

Why did you bring this up again?
He went to the swordsmanship school today, but he didn't hear anything except her breathing.

"No..." Losan just wanted to refuse.

Sang Jian on the sofa had already stood up, and was about to go out with her skirt in hand, "Let's go to the garden!"

"Knight Roseanne, I suddenly remembered that this is a rare time for us to get along with each other. Make good use of it. When Bakel comes out in a few days, you won't be as free as you are now."

"..." Losan swallowed the refusal on his lips.

He glanced at Sang Jian, and said expressionlessly, "Is this how the princess listens to him?"

What do you mean when Bacol comes out, you won't be as free as you are now?
(End of this chapter)

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