Chapter 942 The Princess and the Reborn Knight (19)

That means, will Bakker take care of her freedom in the future?
The king didn't care so much, did he?
"What does this have to do with listening to him?" Sang Jian tilted his head.

Her hair, which was already loose, was already messed up after this morning's "torture".

What a noble little princess, now with a chicken coop on her head.

Losan couldn't stand it anymore, walked over and took Sang Jian's arm, dragged her to the dressing table, carried her to the chair, removed the jewelry on her head, and combed her hair again.

"It doesn't matter." Losan said sullenly: "Princess, you are happy."

Sang Jian sat on the chair shaking her short legs, and watched Luo Si'an behind her with a stinky face through the mirror in front of her.

Seeming to have guessed what Luo Si'an was thinking, Sang Jian suppressed a smile and explained: "Once he comes out, we two won't be able to get along alone. In the future, Bakel will be inserted in the middle of everything, isn't it just that there is no freedom? ?”

"..." Luo Si'an's hand brushing her hair paused for a moment, but she didn't expect such a reason.

He lowered his eyes, holding her long golden hair, and asked softly, "Why does the princess want to be alone with me?"

Before, what she hated the most was seeing him.

It felt bad even to look at him.

Now he really doesn't understand what is going on in her heart.

I thought that I would be reborn once, and this time I could control the direction of everything.

But until now, everything is different from what he thought, and it is also different from his previous life.

He was inexplicably flustered.

Sang Jian turned around, put his hands on the backrest, looked up at Losan, and blinked at him, "Because I think the knight of Rosean is much better at serving than Baker."


The four eyes met, and Sang Jian's eyes were extremely sincere.

Losan's eyes were deep, and his immature face was expressionless.

After a while, he avoided her gaze and said in an unclear way: "It turns out that the princess just likes the new and dislikes the old."

"How can you say that?" Sang Jian immediately retorted: "You came with Ba Keer, you two are old!"

Los Ann: "..."

"Princess will think of me when Bacol is not here." Losan changed his words.

"You're not right." Sang Jian said earnestly, "You were delivered to my room by Baker himself. When you two are together, I also look at you."

Losan: "..." There is no way to refute.

After a long silence, Losan said again: "It's only these few days."

Only these few days she sees him.

"..." This time it was Sang Jian's turn to be silent.

She turned around, sat down again, and let Rothian continue to comb her hair.

His attitude towards himself these past few days was pretty good, and he thought he had let go of his hatred a little bit, but he didn't expect to remember it all.

"Hey~" Sang saw a small face wrinkled, "I admit that I didn't treat you very well before, didn't I hear that you are from the lineage of the devil king, I'm afraid you won't be easy to get along with..."

"I'm a princess, how can I be afraid of you? Of course I have to bully you to prove my majesty!"

Sang Jian said serious nonsense, trying to make himself innocent.

The original owner of the previous life can't be cleaned up, but she is still young, so she can still be rescued!
"You don't need to hear it, I am." Losan directly admitted his identity.

Sang Jian lowered her head and pursed her lips, not knowing what she was thinking.

After a while, she whispered: "But I think you are not as scary as you imagined..."

(End of this chapter)

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