Chapter 945 The Princess and the Reborn Knight (22)

In the next second, a cold palm was pressed against Sang Jian's forehead.

The coolness instantly awakened the sleeping Sang Jian.

She shivered, slapped away the cold hands on her forehead, sat up, and covered her cold forehead with her warm hands.

She stared at Losan with sleepy eyes, "What are you doing!"

Losan withdrew his hand, tidied up the books on the table, and explained softly, "You've slept for too long, I'm afraid you're sick."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and put the books back in their original places, "Let's see a doctor later."

He was really worried that she could sleep like this, maybe there was something wrong.

"I'm not sick." Sang Jian muttered softly, stood up and followed Losan.

After returning the book, Luo Sian took Sang Jian's little hand and led her out of the library.

He took the book all afternoon, his hands were cold.

But her little hand was extremely warm, soft and easy to hold.

"It's time to go back to dinner!"

Sang Jian was jumping happily beside Luo Si'an, and he didn't have to be afraid of falling while holding her hand.

"...Sure enough, let's go and have a look."

Losan just touched her forehead and found that she didn't have a fever, so she gave up the idea of ​​sending her to see a doctor.

But when she came out, the first thing she did was eat.

He is really worried about the way he eats and sleeps!
"What are you going to see?" Sang Jian seemed to be in a daze, and didn't understand the meaning of Luo Si'an's words.


She didn't realize it until he dragged her to the doctor.

"There's nothing wrong with the princess's body, maybe it's just sheer laziness..."

The doctor explained to the two little dolls solemnly.

"Thank you, Uncle Doctor."

Sang Jian blushed, said hello, and hurriedly pulled Luo Si'an out from the doctor.

"Damned to death!"

As soon as he went out, Sang Jian couldn't help pinching Luo Si'an's arm.

Luo Si'an also pursed her lips, her small face flustered with embarrassment, "I didn't expect the princess to be really fine."

But her behavior is too abnormal!
"Hmph, if I say I'm not sick, you don't believe me, you have to bring me here to embarrass yourself! Ignore you!"

Sang Jian let go of Luo Si'an's arm, and ran towards the castle in a fit of anger, leaving Luo Si'an alone behind.

Luo Si'an subconsciously wanted to reach out to grab her, but unfortunately he didn't.

Seeing her figure running farther and farther, he sighed silently and chased after her.

If she is fine, could it be that something is wrong with him?

Yes, he probably really has something wrong.

What is she so worried about?

Sang Jian seemed to feel that he had made her ashamed, and now the doctor knew that she was lazy!

In the next few days, I didn't pay much attention to Losan.

However, Losan still feeds her, bathes and dresses her every day.

She would also take him to school every day and to the library in the afternoon, so her life was quite fulfilling.

It's just...she didn't talk to him anymore.

Luo Si'an herself is not a person who likes to talk, she doesn't speak, and he doesn't speak, and the two of them spent a few days in peace.


One day, in the library, Sang Jian was going to sleep on the table again, but Luo Si'an stopped her.


This is the first time in the past few days that he has taken the initiative to talk to her.

"Why?" Sang Jian snorted softly, "You have to apologize before you can talk to me!"

Los Ann: "..."

Really childish temper.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have suspected that you had a problem before, which caused you to be ashamed in front of others." Losan apologized quickly, almost without hesitation,

Sang Jian's face looked much better now, "Okay, I'll forgive you, let's talk about something."

Luo Si'an reminded: "Baker will come out tomorrow."

  Thank you for your rewards and votes, eh~

  good night!

(End of this chapter)

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