Chapter 946 The Princess and the Reborn Knight (23)

Sang Jian was taken aback for a moment, she was so comfortable these days that she almost forgot about it.

A week has passed so quickly...

Sang Jian was silent for two seconds, and a smirk suddenly appeared on her baby fat face.

She winked and leaned in front of Losan, teasing, "Are you panicking?"

"Why am I panicking?"

Seeing her leaning over, Rosean leaned back and leaned against the chair behind her, keeping a distance from her.

He lowered his eyes, avoiding Sang Jian's gaze, and said solemnly: "I just want to remind the princess that we can no longer get along like this time from tomorrow."

Indeed, they were at ease when Barcol was away.

As soon as he came out, Bakel would be added to everything he did in the future, and I was quite upset when I thought about it.

It's annoying, I have to find a way to lock him back in.

But it was the first time that the princess closed Baker last time.

Maybe it really touched her bottom line. After all, she is a royal and aristocrat who hates others to disobey her.

Even so, Baker was only locked up for a week.

Losan put his eyes on the book in his hand, but couldn't read a single word.

Thoughts have long drifted to the sky.

"Ah..." Sang Jian lay down on the table in disappointment, and responded with a sigh.

Losan came back to his senses and looked up at her.

She stared straight at him with big innocent and wronged eyes.

Losan: "...Why are you looking at me like that?"

Rothanne looked uncomfortable.

I don't know why, but her eyes now are those of a child, clear and pure, without any impurities.

But Luo Sian didn't dare to look at her more.

I always feel that if I meet her eyes, I will be seen through by her.

Afraid that her secret would be discovered by her.

But after thinking about it carefully, I felt that I was thinking too much.

She is only five years old now, how could she see through him?

"Brother Knight, you really don't like serving me that much?"

Sang Jian rested his chin on the back of his hand, with a little aggrieved expression on his face.

"I've been serving you for many days, what do you like?"

Every morning when she wakes up, she hugs herself like an octopus, sometimes lying on top of him and pressing him down, making him a little out of breath all night.

The thing that drools on him also happens frequently.

He was very disgusted in his heart.

But... I'm almost used to it.

Sang Jian blinked and blinked, "Because you think that when Ba Keer comes out, you don't have to wait on me."

"If you like to serve me, you can serve me regardless of whether he comes out or not. Why should you look at his face? You are all my knights, and you are not inferior to him. What are you afraid of him doing? "


If Luo Si'an hadn't experienced the things of the previous life, Luo Si'an would feel very moved when he heard these words.

I feel that the little princess in front of me is really heartwarming.

But after experiencing the previous life, he suddenly felt a little ironic.

If she was really that good, why did she treat him like that in the previous life?

Or is it that the dislike of him in this life has been transferred to other unlucky people?
"I hope you can remember what you said now, princess." Losan took a deep breath.

He closed the book in his hand, stood up and prepared to return it, "I'm not feeling well today, let's go back this afternoon."

"Eh?" Sang Jian sat up straight and looked at his figure in surprise, "Did what I said offend you?"

(End of this chapter)

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